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This weekend we're holding a Super Stash Sale where we're discounting all Stash Tabs. Everything has been discounted, including the Fragment Tab, Map Tab, Premium Stash Tab Bundles, Premium Quad Stash Tab, Essence Tab, Divination Tab, Currency Tab and Guild Stash Tabs! Click here to view the full selection of discounted stash tabs.
The sale runs all weekend and ends at Dec 17, 2018 10:00 PM (this is displayed in your local time).
We wanted to note that we are aware of the issue with some Map Tabs making maps disappear. Our team has been working all week on a fix for this and it is one of our highest priorities to fix as soon as possible. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this has been causing in the meantime. It's also worth noting that any new Map Tabs purchased will not experience this issue.
If you're looking for some points to spend, please consider checking out the new Betrayal Supporter Packs! If you have any spare points left over, you might be interested in purchasing the Betrayal Brimmed Hat that is only available during the Betrayal League or the Fairgraves Mystery Box.
Additionally, if you're holding out for the upcoming 'core' supporter packs, please note that any points packs you purchase now, or since Betrayal launched, can be credited in an upgrade toward the upcoming supporter packs. Please note that this does not include any points gained from purchasing the Betrayal Packs or War for the Atlas Packs. Only plain points packs can be used for this purpose.
Thank you for your support! Have a great weekend!