over 5 years
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Last weekend we launched the Blight expansion, and we're happy that you've been enjoying it so far. Our team has been constantly monitoring your feedback and reports throughout this week and has outlined some things to improve as a result. Today we'd like to give you an update about the fixes and improvements to the Blight League that we're currently working on.
The following issues are currently being investigated and have high priority:
- Crashes with the exception 'Present' error.
- Blighted Map performance. Honestly, the most realistic way we're going to get this to acceptable levels is to slightly reduce the number of monsters being spawned. We're going to be very careful to make sure that the encounters are still hectic, fun and rewarding, but it'll probably involve slightly fewer entities being tracked and rendered.
The following issues have been resolved and are currently being tested:
- The tower building UI closes if you had gained enough resources to upgrade a different tower.
- The "Cursed Concoction" passive skill causes Blasphemy Curses to deactivate.
- The Consuming Dark unique dagger does not apply Chance to Poison correctly.
- Transforming an amulet into a talisman removes any anointments the amulet had.
- Killing Uber Elder does not grant completion towards the "Complete Endgame Grinds" challenge.
- Server lag with the Necromancer Ascendancy passive Essence Glutton and Discipline skill gem.
- The Blighted Rhoa boss can become immune to damage when revived if it died while Petrified.
In addition, based on your feedback regarding Proximity Shields and the 'Cannot Die' aura on Blighted Monsters, we've made some changes. The 'Cannot Die' aura will no longer be able to spawn on Blight monsters now. Blight monsters that cast Proximity Shield will no longer be able to cast the skill if they're already standing in a Proximity Shield. In addition, Blight monsters that have an active Proximity Shield will now disable it if they become affected by another Proximity Shield. This should reduce the number of cases of overlapping shields. These changes (as well as the resolved issues listed above) are likely to be included into the 3.8.1 update which is currently scheduled for next week. We'll post a preview of its patch notes as soon as possible.
In 3.8.1 we're also planning to improve rewards from Blighted Maps by adding additional multipliers to the chests at the end of each lane.
It's also worth mentioning that the new Ice Shatter sound has received some changes, and we're planning to include them in 3.8.1 as well. While we're not going to restore the old sound (as it had some significant technical issues), the new one has been significantly improved from the version that shipped in 3.8.0.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support. We really appreciate it!