about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being investigated and treated as high priority, we'll be trying to get them fixed as soon as we can.

High priority problems:

  • Mac client unable to patch.

General technical problems: General Troubleshooting Guide
Xbox or PS4 specific problems: Console Known Issues

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

Other Common Issues (PC)

These are other general issues that while not high priority, are common enough that are worth mentioning here until we're able to get them fixed. If you don't see a bug here you're experiencing then it may just be that it's uncommon and not affecting enough players. Please check for any issues, or make one to us and we'll investigate when we can.


  • Converted unique maps revert to base tier

  • Detonate Mines "Always Attacking Without Moving" resetting in new instances.

  • Portals placed in blocking can fail to let the player back in (e.g. Cold River stairs).

  • Elemental Overload damage increase doesn't change tooltip DPS

  • Legion Generals not retreating again.

  • Harvest T4 bosses not transitioning

  • Totems/Traps/Mines not culling when using Marked for Death


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please use the /recheck_achievements chat command if this occurs

Graphics/Renderer problems:
If you are experiencing any new crashes and you're using Vulkan, please try switching to 'Medium' texture quality. If you're still crashing after that, we recommend switching to DirectX 11 or 12 in your options.

Also please try updating your drivers first as out of date drivers can cause various problems.

  • Client crash when changing renderer type

  • Visual artefacts when running low on GPU memory

  • Problems with Vsync not working properly

  • Client crashes when using mouse to whisper from social screen while using Controller input

  • Item filter audio sometimes cuts out

  • Map and Unique Collection Tab not loading in the Character Viewer

macOS Known Issues:

  • While running around, you may occasionally see a black tile on the edge of the screen briefly. This is an engine quirk that occurs with the Windows version also, but it's more pronounced in our current Mac version.

  • Note that because Command+Q is technically the keystroke to use the Ctrl+Q skill binding, you can use Command+Option+Q to close the game client in a hurry.