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Firstly, we're sampling all leagues and including all characters. Naturally, we see a high amount of unascended characters, with Slayer and Trickster being intermingled between some of the base classes. We can see a fairly high amount of lower level characters that haven't yet gotten to the point of being able to ascend, possibly for a multitude of reasons (but this is totally normal).
Class - All Levels, All Legion Leagues (PC) Witch 10.60% Duelist 9.10% Slayer 8.49% Shadow 8.32% Ranger 8.03% Templar 7.72% Marauder 7.19% Trickster 6.11% Deadeye 3.48% Necromancer 3.27% Berserker 3.24% Scion 2.98% Elementalist 2.44% Hierophant 2.12% Pathfinder 1.97% Assassin 1.90% Champion 1.81% Chieftain 1.79% Gladiator 1.78% Juggernaut 1.73% Ascendant 1.51% Inquisitor 1.08% Occultist 0.95% Saboteur 0.90% Guardian 0.76% Raider 0.74%
As we restrict our statistics to characters that are at least level 70, it means we should now have a more defined group of characters. Most characters have chosen an Ascendancy class and have a solid game plan of what they want to become. Slayer is overwhelmingly the most popular choice thus far, with Trickster being close behind. Looking quickly at how this compares to the last time we looked at Legion class statistics, we actually see less Slayers and Tricksters (42% previously compared to 35% now).
Legion - 70+ Slayer 21.34% Trickster 13.61% Deadeye 7.65% Berserker 7.57% Necromancer 6.65% Elementalist 4.62% Assassin 4.38% Pathfinder 3.90% Hierophant 3.85% Champion 3.82% Chieftain 3.57% Gladiator 3.49% Ascendant 3.27% Juggernaut 3.24% Occultist 1.90% Inquisitor 1.86% Saboteur 1.75% Guardian 1.57% Raider 1.48% Witch 0.15% Duelist 0.10% Shadow 0.06% Ranger 0.06% Marauder 0.05% Templar 0.05% Scion 0.02%
Looking at high level characters, we can see the gap widen between Slayer and Trickster. This either suggests that either players are playing their Slayers for longer (and thus getting to higher levels) or that Slayers have more survivability than Tricksters. Perhaps the playstyle of the skills that Slayers are using is more enjoyable and thus are being played for more time!
Legion - 90+ Slayer 34.051% Trickster 15.406% Berserker 8.304% Deadeye 7.648% Champion 3.839% Assassin 3.701% Gladiator 3.622% Juggernaut 3.572% Ascendant 3.046% Chieftain 2.800% Necromancer 2.652% Elementalist 2.306% Pathfinder 1.876% Saboteur 1.621% Occultist 1.493% Hierophant 1.203% Raider 0.976% Inquisitor 0.963% Guardian 0.915% Scion 0.001% Shadow 0.001% Duelist 0.001% Ranger 0.001%
Looking specifically at statistics from Hardcore Legion, we can compare how the level 90+ characters compare between Standard and Hardcore. Slayer makes up significantly less of the total breakdown here, with Trickster being more common and Juggernaut making an impressive jump (from 3.6% to 14.5%). The fact that Trickster has pretty much caught up with Slayers on Hardcore suggests that the reason they're lower than Slayers in Standard is not because they're less tanky than Slayers; if anything, it suggests they're more tanky!
Hardcore Legion leagues - 90+ Slayer 20.302% Trickster 20.271% Juggernaut 14.473% Gladiator 7.989% Champion 7.926% Guardian 4.350% Berserker 4.032% Chieftain 3.501% Deadeye 3.127% Necromancer 3.046% Occultist 1.723% Ascendant 1.704% Saboteur 1.560% Pathfinder 1.554% Hierophant 1.223% Assassin 0.855% Elementalist 0.824% Inquisitor 0.780% Raider 0.755% Scion 0.006%
Taking a look at characters in Solo-Self Found leagues that are level 90+, we see some similarities between those in leagues where you can trade. We still see that Slayer is very popular, likely thanks to many Melee skills being adjusted prior to update 3.7.0, making them less reliant on powerful weapons; an important factor in determining what to play in SSF. Trickster isn't much of a surprise here. Interestingly, Gladiator is almost twice as common in SSF. There are significantly fewer Ranger Ascendancies seeing play in SSF (4.3% compared to 10.6% in non-SSF leagues), perhaps indicating an increased reliance on specific items.
Solo-self Found 90+ Slayer 31.659% Trickster 21.134% Gladiator 8.773% Berserker 8.681% Champion 6.354% Juggernaut 4.663% Chieftain 2.696% Necromancer 2.122% Deadeye 1.999% Saboteur 1.660% Occultist 1.609% Ascendant 1.578% Assassin 1.302% Pathfinder 1.302% Hierophant 1.097% Raider 1.015% Inquisitor 0.994% Elementalist 0.892% Guardian 0.441% Shadow 0.010% Marauder 0.010% Scion 0.010%
PS4 players have had a fair amount of time to learn the ropes of Path of Exile by now, so one would expect their statistics to slowly converge to be similar to PC. Comparing them, we see that Slayer is even more popular on PS4 than it is on PC, possibly due to how satisfying Cyclone feels to play with a controller? Trickster is again in second place, followed by a large gap to the next closest ascendancy. Among the remaining Ascendancies, there is a fairly even distribution.
PS4 - 90+ Slayer 38.901% Trickster 19.048% Berserker 4.893% Deadeye 4.256% Juggernaut 4.218% Gladiator 3.431% Chieftain 3.356% Champion 3.337% Necromancer 2.812% Assassin 2.775% Elementalist 2.437% Ascendant 2.137% Hierophant 1.969% Occultist 1.744% Saboteur 1.312% Pathfinder 1.087% Inquisitor 0.844% Guardian 0.731% Raider 0.694% Marauder 0.019%
Given that we've already compared PS4 to PC, let's look at how Xbox One compares to PS4. Immediately, we can see a very similar representation of Slayers and Tricksters, though slightly less than on PS4. There are minor differences in the remaining ascendancies, but nothing that is easily explainable. Perhaps Xbox players, given their extra experience with the game, are more willing to experiment with different build ideas.
Xbox One - 90+ Slayer 36.962% Trickster 16.711% Berserker 6.317% Deadeye 5.376% Champion 4.794% Gladiator 3.853% Juggernaut 3.853% Assassin 3.450% Chieftain 2.912% Saboteur 2.151% Hierophant 2.151% Ascendant 2.151% Elementalist 1.837% Occultist 1.658% Necromancer 1.523% Raider 1.389% Pathfinder 1.299% Guardian 0.896% Inquisitor 0.717%
Legion has been a very enjoyable and successful league for both us as developers and for you, our players. We've really enjoyed watching the meta develop and evolve. It may have been slightly more lopsided than we'd have hoped, but we think that people will certainly have had fun nonetheless. What are your expectations for our next league? Will we see the rise of new classes to the top? Our announcement of update 3.8.0 is set to be revealed tomorrow at 2pm PDT. Thanks for sticking with us and stay safe Exiles!