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Microtransactions from the Glimmerwood Mystery Box are now available in the store! It's also still possible to combine some of the individual Huntsman and Madcap pieces into the new 'Transcendence' microtransactions. Check out the Glimmerwood Mystery Box trailer below to see everything that's available or check them out in the store here.
In addition to 38 colourful cosmetic effects, we've also released the Glimmerwood Hideout and the Celestial Tree Decoration to give you more options with which to customise your hideouts. The Glimmerwood Hideout is located in a gloom mystical thicket with mushrooms and giant roots. With a cosy little cottage hidden in the woods, this hideout is completely ready for your exiles to move in! If you're looking for something unusual for your hideouts, we'd recommend checking out the new Celestial Tree decoration, a twisted alien tree with yellow spheres growing out of it. Check out the videos below!
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