over 5 years
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Halloween is just around the corner! To celebrate the scariest night of the year, we've just started a weekly sale for a selection of demonic and gory cosmetic effects which will help set the festive mood. More than a hundred horrific microtransactions available at discounted prices, including armour sets, back attachments, pets and more! Click here to view the discounts.
The sale will run all week from the time of this post until Nov 04, 2019 10:00 PM (EST) (this is displayed in your local time).
Additionally, the seasonal Halloween microtransactions are now available for purchase, including the Devil Horns, Bleeding Eyes, Spider Web Cloak, Spider Back Attachment, Scare Mask and this year's special Entombed Hideout! This new hideout has a crimson-coloured lighting and is decorated with candles and graves, creating a perfect dark and scary atmosphere.
These microtransactions will only be available in the store until 4pm November 11th (NZT) and will return next Halloween! Check them out by watching the video below, or click here to get yours.
Thank you so much for your support! Happy Halloween, everyone!