about 3 years ago - Jatin_GGG - Direct link

" redsameri wrote: I obtained two of the void stones from killing the Exarch and the Endless Void, though I still do not have access to the void stone sockets to upgrade map tiers.

I shift-clicked the stones into my atlas page and they just dissapeared.

This is what my atlas looks like:

As you can see there is no slots to put the void stones into the atlas.

I believe this is because I was not in the map when one of the lesser bosses was killed (I think it was the searing lesser boss).

Thanks for your report, we're aware of this.

In the meantime if you still have a Voidstone on you then you can enter an area where you can drop it and pick it back up.

In the case that you have ctrl+clicked it and it "poofed" it will currently be sitting in your Voidstone slots which you can't see, we will get this fixed.