about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being looked into and we'll be trying to get them fixed for you as soon as we can. There is no need to make new posts about them unless you have further information that may be helpful, thanks.

High priority problems:

  • Some players client crash loading between areas after extended play

  • Some players are client crashing shortly after launching the game.
    Try deleting your DailyDealCache, MOTDCache and ShopImages if you're encountering this

Ritual content problems:
  • Lookout Map boss packs can become invincible when revived by a Ritual encounter

Vulkan renderer problems:
Before referring to this list, please try updating your drivers first.
Out of date drivers may not support Vulkan correctly and can cause various problems.

  • Client crash when changing renderer type

  • Visual artifacts when running low on GPU memory

  • Problems with Vsync

  • Mouse Cursor not displaying

Other recent problems:

  • Anomalous Mana Leech not giving increased damage per 200 mana spent recently

  • Some bosses have problems transitioning to the next stage of their encounters if they're constantly interrupted by things like getting frozen

  • Rare case with Sirus fight, desync, skills being used when they shouldn't be. e.g. teleports into storms

  • Converted unique maps revert to base tier

  • Queen Hyrri Ngamaku can fail to retreat sometimes.

  • Desecrate not spawning corpses against Kitava when used with Arcanist Brand.

  • Ranged Elemental Hit can't apply ailments to Hydrosphere.

  • Warlord's Mark on hit only generates 5 Rage.

  • Weird behaviour with Vaal Skills and Glove Enchantment

  • Vaal Omnitech failing to transition rarely.

  • Righteous Fire not dealing damage when swapping gems.

  • Maligaro sometimes can't be killed in Overgrown Shrine.

  • Orb of Storms, Void Sphere and Hydro Sphere can reflect damage to the player when Trapped/Mined.

  • Bleed not being applied when dealing too much damage.

  • Zana mission Blighted Maps can sometimes fail to activate.

For MacOS specific problems, please see the macOS Known Issues

For Xbox or PS4 specific problems, please see the Known Issue List for Consoles

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

Other Known Issues (PC)


  • Channelled skills (in Predictive) can get stuck channelling.

  • Life on the client can sometimes desync from the server. Most common case of this is appearing to never reach full life when you should, after receiving intermittent damage over time.

  • Lava Chambers transition can sometimes have an extra transition

  • Fractured items do not grey out in inventory when being vendored or filtered in stash


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please contact [email protected] if this occurs

  • Weapon Effects that apply to both weapons aren't always removed correctly (usually going to a different area fixes this)

  • Divination Card Tab misses a column in high resolutions

  • Aura MTX are not able to be applied to Flesh and Stone

  • Blood Guard Shield has a seam when zoomed out

  • Harlequin Weapon applied to a two handed sword has a bad interaction with weapon effects

  • Ice Weapon Effect trail only appears with high runspeed

  • Redeemer Armour Set textures have changed

  • Insatiable Malice Armour Set is not as bright as it used to be

  • Chimera Armour Set textures have changed

  • Crucible Portal Effect in All At Sea Hideout has a display problem

  • Nightfall Flame Dash used alongside Huck's Helmet causes black boxes.

  • Doomcrow Weapon Effect feathers do not appear as they used to.

  • Glimmerwood Shield flickering when used alongside Vaal Double Strike.


  • Jumbled Text: Currently investigating; restarting the client should fix it in the meantime

  • Degraded frame rate when using Aspect of the Spider.

  • Item filter audio sometimes cuts out


  • Map Stash Tab not loading

  • Unique Collection Tab not loading in the Character Viewer

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being looked into and we'll be trying to get them fixed for you as soon as we can. There is no need to make new posts about them unless you have further information that may be helpful, thanks.

High priority problems:

  • Some players client crash loading between areas after extended play

  • Some players are client crashing shortly after launching the game.
    Try deleting your DailyDealCache, MOTDCache and ShopImages if you're encountering this

Ritual content problems:
  • Lookout Map boss packs can become invincible when revived by a Ritual encounter

Vulkan renderer problems:
Before referring to this list, please try updating your drivers first.
Out of date drivers may not support Vulkan correctly and can cause various problems.

  • Client crash when changing renderer type

  • Visual artifacts when running low on GPU memory

  • Problems with Vsync

  • Mouse Cursor not displaying

Other recent problems:

  • Anomalous Mana Leech not giving increased damage per 200 mana spent recently

  • Some bosses have problems transitioning to the next stage of their encounters if they're constantly interrupted by things like getting frozen

  • Rare case with Sirus fight, desync, skills being used when they shouldn't be. e.g. teleports into storms

  • Converted unique maps revert to base tier

  • Queen Hyrri Ngamaku can fail to retreat sometimes.

  • Desecrate not spawning corpses against Kitava when used with Arcanist Brand.

  • Ranged Elemental Hit can't apply ailments to Hydrosphere.

  • Warlord's Mark on hit only generates 5 Rage.

  • Weird behaviour with Vaal Skills and Glove Enchantment

  • Vaal Omnitech failing to transition rarely.

  • Righteous Fire not dealing damage when swapping gems.

  • Maligaro sometimes can't be killed in Overgrown Shrine.

  • Orb of Storms, Void Sphere and Hydro Sphere can reflect damage to the player when Trapped/Mined.

  • Bleed not being applied when dealing too much damage.

  • Zana mission Blighted Maps can sometimes fail to activate.

For MacOS specific problems, please see the macOS Known Issues

For Xbox or PS4 specific problems, please see the Known Issue List for Consoles

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

Other Known Issues (PC)


  • Channelled skills (in Predictive) can get stuck channelling.

  • Life on the client can sometimes desync from the server. Most common case of this is appearing to never reach full life when you should, after receiving intermittent damage over time.

  • Lava Chambers transition can sometimes have an extra transition

  • Fractured items do not grey out in inventory when being vendored or filtered in stash


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please contact [email protected] if this occurs

  • Weapon Effects that apply to both weapons aren't always removed correctly (usually going to a different area fixes this)

  • Divination Card Tab misses a column in high resolutions

  • Aura MTX are not able to be applied to Flesh and Stone

  • Blood Guard Shield has a seam when zoomed out

  • Harlequin Weapon applied to a two handed sword has a bad interaction with weapon effects

  • Ice Weapon Effect trail only appears with high runspeed

  • Redeemer Armour Set textures have changed

  • Insatiable Malice Armour Set is not as bright as it used to be

  • Chimera Armour Set textures have changed

  • Crucible Portal Effect in All At Sea Hideout has a display problem

  • Nightfall Flame Dash used alongside Huck's Helmet causes black boxes.

  • Doomcrow Weapon Effect feathers do not appear as they used to.

  • Glimmerwood Shield flickering when used alongside Vaal Double Strike.


  • Jumbled Text: Currently investigating; restarting the client should fix it in the meantime

  • Degraded frame rate when using Aspect of the Spider.

  • Item filter audio sometimes cuts out


  • Map Stash Tab not loading

  • Unique Collection Tab not loading in the Character Viewer

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being looked into and we'll be trying to get them fixed for you as soon as we can. There is no need to make new posts about them unless you have further information that may be helpful, thanks.

High priority problems:
  • Some players are client crashing shortly after launching the game.
    Try deleting your DailyDealCache, MOTDCache and ShopImages if you're encountering this

Ultimatum content problems:

Vulkan renderer problems:
Before referring to this list, please try updating your drivers first.
Out of date drivers may not support Vulkan correctly and can cause various problems.

  • Client crash when changing renderer type

  • Visual artifacts when running low on GPU memory

  • Problems with Vsync not working properly

  • Rare case of Mouse Cursor not displaying

Other recent problems:

  • Converted unique maps revert to base tier

  • Rare case with Sirus fight, desync, skills being used when they shouldn't be. e.g. teleports into storms

  • Queen Hyrri Ngamaku can fail to retreat sometimes.

  • Very rare case of Betrayal Research encounters not starting correctly.

  • Vaal Omnitech failing to transition rarely.

  • Maligaro sometimes can't be killed in Overgrown Shrine.

  • Weird behaviour with Vaal Skills and Glove Enchantment

  • Zana mission Blighted Maps can sometimes fail to activate.

  • Unearth doesn't work with mines.

  • Anomalous Detonate Dead/Flameblast not displaying quality effect.

  • Toxic Rain and Bleed stop dealing damage if damage is too high.

  • Arc out of range when walking up to target to cast.

  • Incorrect description on Snow Clock buff.

  • Phantasmal Unearth corpses don't have increased Life.

  • BodySwap not dealing extra damage when a corpse is consumed.

  • Veteran's Awareness Keystone also granting 10% maximum Chaos Resistance.

  • DetonateMines "Always Attacking Without Moving" resetting in new instances.

For general technical problems, please see the General Troubleshooting Guide

For MacOS specific problems, please see the macOS Known Issues

For Xbox or PS4 specific problems, please see the Known Issue List for Consoles

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

Other Known Issues (PC)


  • Channelled skills (in Predictive) can get stuck channelling.

  • Life on the client can sometimes desync from the server. Most common case of this is appearing to never reach full life when you should, after receiving intermittent damage over time.

  • Lava Chambers transition can sometimes have an extra transition

  • Fractured items do not grey out in inventory when being vendored or filtered in stash


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please contact [email protected] if this occurs

  • Weapon Effects that apply to both weapons aren't always removed correctly (usually going to a different area fixes this)

  • Divination Card Tab misses a column in high resolutions

  • Aura MTX are not able to be applied to Flesh and Stone

  • Blood Guard Shield has a seam when zoomed out

  • Harlequin Weapon applied to a two handed sword has a bad interaction with weapon effects

  • Ice Weapon Effect trail only appears with high runspeed

  • Redeemer Armour Set textures have changed

  • Insatiable Malice Armour Set is not as bright as it used to be

  • Chimera Armour Set textures have changed

  • Crucible Portal Effect in All At Sea Hideout has a display problem

  • Nightfall Flame Dash used alongside Huck's Helmet causes black boxes.

  • Doomcrow Weapon Effect feathers do not appear as they used to.

  • Glimmerwood Shield flickering when used alongside Vaal Double Strike.

  • Celestial Summon Skeletons are missing effects.


  • Jumbled Text: Currently investigating; restarting the client should fix it in the meantime

  • Degraded frame rate when using Aspect of the Spider.

  • Item filter audio sometimes cuts out


  • Map Stash Tab not loading

  • Unique Collection Tab not loading in the Character Viewer

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being investigated and treated as high priority, we'll be trying to get them fixed as soon as we can.

Affliction Launch - Live Updates: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3452918

High priority problems:
  • Ebony Tornado Shot MTX causing performance issues.

General technical problems: General Troubleshooting Guide
Xbox or PS4 specific problems: Consoles Known Issues

about 8 years ago - Kieren_GGG - Direct link

Other Common Issues (PC)

These are other general issues that while not high priority, are common enough that are worth mentioning here until we're able to get them fixed. If you don't see a bug here you're experiencing then it may just be that it's uncommon and not affecting enough players. Please check for any issues, or make one to us and we'll investigate when we can.


  • Converted unique maps revert to base tier

  • Detonate Mines "Always Attacking Without Moving" resetting in new instances.

  • Portals placed in blocking can fail to let the player back in (e.g. Cold River stairs).

  • Elemental Overload damage increase doesn't change tooltip DPS

  • Legion Generals not retreating again.

  • Harvest T4 bosses not transitioning

  • Totems/Traps/Mines not culling when using Marked for Death

  • Raise Spectre sometimes raising the wrong Spectre

  • Penance Brand of Dissipation removing Energy when it expires despite another Penance Brand also attached to target

  • Rotgut does not give Onslaught while at maximum Frenzy Charges due to Ralakesh's Impatience


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please use the /recheck_achievements chat command if this occurs

Graphics/Renderer problems:
If you are experiencing any new crashes and you're using Vulkan, please try switching to 'Medium' texture quality. If you're still crashing after that, we recommend switching to DirectX 11 or 12 in your options.

Also please try updating your drivers first as out of date drivers can cause various problems.

  • Client crash when changing renderer type

  • Visual artefacts when running low on GPU memory

  • Problems with Vsync not working properly

  • Client crashes when using mouse to whisper from social screen while using Controller input

  • Item filter audio sometimes cuts out

  • Unique Collection Tab not loading in the Character Viewer

macOS Known Issues:

  • While running around, you may occasionally see a black tile on the edge of the screen briefly. This is an engine quirk that occurs with the Windows version also, but it's more pronounced in our current Mac version.

  • Note that because Command+Q is technically the keystroke to use the Ctrl+Q skill binding, you can use Command+Option+Q to close the game client in a hurry.

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

Useful Resources

Translation feedback or problems can be posted in the appropriate forums here:
Brazilian Russian Thai German Spanish French

  • Ask a Gameplay Developer your mechanics questions here!

  • Read a Gameplay Developer's mechanics answers here!

  • Check out the Common Technical Problems page here!

  • Console Bug Reports should be posted here!

  • Known Issues for PlayStation and Xbox can be found here!

Things you should know

  • Typing /help in-game brings up a list of useful commands

  • Pushing F1 toggles your telemetry. This shows your FPS and latency

  • If the game is running poorly, try lowering your Graphics settings

  • Holding Alt lets you see the built-in level of an item

  • Backing up your content.ggpk file can save you a large download if this file becomes corrupted

  • If your content.ggpk file does become corrupted, try performing a Pack Check

  • You're only able to reclaim a skill gem MTX if your current character has that skill gem equipped. We are planning on adding the reclaim functionality to the Microtransaction tab in the future

  • Certain combinations of skills and MTX can result in audio cutting out (Source)

  • Flasks don't activate while holding Alt, Shift, or Ctrl

  • Gems socketed in items in player trade will not show up

  • It is possible for monsters to damage you during an area transition

  • Leaving a bandit fight causes it to end

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

How to Report Bugs

It is always a good idea to back up your content.ggpk file. It will let you restore the game to a previous patch if your client becomes corrupt.

In-game Reports:

You can use the "/bug" command to report bugs to us directly while playing the game. This is ideal for bugs where there is an immediately recognisable issue (such as a terrain problem). You can also type additional information after "/bug" that will be sent along with your bug report, for example: "/bug I'm experiencing this problem and here are the steps to reproduce it".

For reports where more information is required, the problem is not apparent, or the steps to reproduce are a bit more in-depth, we would recommend reporting the issue via the forums using the below steps.

Forum Reports:

1. Check this thread for an existing issue

2. Take a screenshot with debug info
Enter "/debug" into chat and take a screenshot by pressing F8. The screenshot is saved to your Documents/My Games/Path of Exile Folder.

3. If it is a graphical problem, we also need your PC specs
Include Operating System (Windows version), RAM/memory, video card, and anything else relevant.

4. Post it
If you post in the forums keep your title descriptive. We may not be able to reply, but we do check every post when we have the chance. The more descriptive your title, the greater chance it will be noticed and fixed, and the easier our jobs are!

How to post an image

  • Upload the file to an image hosting website, such as Imgur

  • Mouse over the dots beside the "Copy" button, then click "Get share links"

  • Click the "Copy" button for BBCode (Forums)

  • Paste that into your Path of Exile forum post

If you can't get a screenshot, we need as much as you can tell us about reproduction steps. The zone you were in, the skills you were using, the monsters you were fighting - anything that might point us towards the cause of the problem!

If you get a Client or Instance crash, we receive a report automatically the next time you start your client. Report it here in a thread only if you have reproduction steps that will let us find the problem.

Important! Make sure you only have one bug per report. We want to be able to resolve reports if bugs are fixed, or have others be able to respond to bugs easily.

Also, confirm that there are no other threads reporting this issue, and post your bug in there if that is the case.

More reports are always good, but only if they are in one place, rather than spread over many different threads. To search only the Bug Reports forum, navigate to Forum Search and select the Bug Reports option from the 'Forums' list.

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

Useful Resources

Translation feedback or problems can be posted in the appropriate forums here:
Brazilian Russian Thai German Spanish French

  • Ask a Gameplay Developer your mechanics questions here!

  • Read a Gameplay Developer's mechanics answers here!

  • Check out the Common Technical Problems page here!

  • Console Bug Reports should be posted here!

  • Known Issues for PlayStation and Xbox can be found here!

Things you should know

  • Typing /help in-game brings up a list of useful commands

  • Pushing F1 toggles your telemetry. This shows your FPS and latency

  • If the game is running poorly, try lowering your Graphics settings

  • Holding Alt lets you see the built-in level of an item

  • Backing up your content.ggpk file can save you a large download if this file becomes corrupted

  • If your content.ggpk file does become corrupted, try performing a Pack Check

  • You're only able to reclaim a skill gem MTX if your current character has that skill gem equipped. We are planning on adding the reclaim functionality to the Microtransaction tab in the future

  • Certain combinations of skills and MTX can result in audio cutting out (Source)

  • Flasks don't activate while holding Alt, Shift, or Ctrl

  • Gems socketed in items in player trade will not show up

  • It is possible for monsters to damage you during an area transition

  • Leaving a bandit fight causes it to end

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

How to Report Bugs

It is always a good idea to back up your content.ggpk file. It will let you restore the game to a previous patch if your client becomes corrupt.

In-game Reports:

You can use the "/bug" command to report bugs to us directly while playing the game. This is ideal for bugs where there is an immediately recognisable issue (such as a terrain problem). You can also type additional information after "/bug" that will be sent along with your bug report, for example: "/bug I'm experiencing this problem and here are the steps to reproduce it".

For reports where more information is required, the problem is not apparent, or the steps to reproduce are a bit more in-depth, we would recommend reporting the issue via the forums using the below steps.

Forum Reports:

1. Check this thread for an existing issue

2. Take a screenshot with debug info
Enter "/debug" into chat and take a screenshot by pressing F8. The screenshot is saved to your Documents/My Games/Path of Exile Folder.

3. If it is a graphical problem, we also need your PC specs
Include Operating System (Windows version), RAM/memory, video card, and anything else relevant.

4. Post it
If you post in the forums keep your title descriptive. We may not be able to reply, but we do check every post when we have the chance. The more descriptive your title, the greater chance it will be noticed and fixed, and the easier our jobs are!

How to post an image

  • Upload the file to an image hosting website, such as Imgur

  • Mouse over the dots beside the "Copy" button, then click "Get share links"

  • Click the "Copy" button for BBCode (Forums)

  • Paste that into your Path of Exile forum post

If you can't get a screenshot, we need as much as you can tell us about reproduction steps. The zone you were in, the skills you were using, the monsters you were fighting - anything that might point us towards the cause of the problem!

If you get a Client or Instance crash, we receive a report automatically the next time you start your client. Report it here in a thread only if you have reproduction steps that will let us find the problem.

Important! Make sure you only have one bug per report. We want to be able to resolve reports if bugs are fixed, or have others be able to respond to bugs easily.

Also, confirm that there are no other threads reporting this issue, and post your bug in there if that is the case.

More reports are always good, but only if they are in one place, rather than spread over many different threads. To search only the Bug Reports forum, navigate to Forum Search and select the Bug Reports option from the 'Forums' list.

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

Useful Resources

Translation feedback or problems can be posted in the appropriate forums here:
Brazilian Russian Thai German Spanish French

  • Ask a Gameplay Developer your mechanics questions here!

  • Read a Gameplay Developer's mechanics answers here!

  • Check out the Common Technical Problems page here!

  • Console Bug Reports should be posted here!

  • Known Issues for PlayStation and Xbox can be found here!

Things you should know

  • Typing /help in-game brings up a list of useful commands

  • Pushing F1 toggles your telemetry. This shows your FPS and latency

  • If the game is running poorly, try lowering your Graphics settings

  • Holding Alt lets you see the built-in level of an item

  • Backing up your content.ggpk file can save you a large download if this file becomes corrupted

  • If your content.ggpk file does become corrupted, try performing a Pack Check

  • You're only able to reclaim a skill gem MTX if your current character has that skill gem equipped. We are planning on adding the reclaim functionality to the Microtransaction tab in the future

  • Certain combinations of skills and MTX can result in audio cutting out (Source)

  • Flasks don't activate while holding Alt, Shift, or Ctrl

  • Gems socketed in items in player trade will not show up

  • It is possible for monsters to damage you during an area transition

  • Leaving a bandit fight causes it to end

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

How to Report Bugs

It is always a good idea to back up your content.ggpk file. It will let you restore the game to a previous patch if your client becomes corrupt.

In-game Reports:

You can use the "/bug" command to report bugs to us directly while playing the game. This is ideal for bugs where there is an immediately recognisable issue (such as a terrain problem). You can also type additional information after "/bug" that will be sent along with your bug report, for example: "/bug I'm experiencing this problem and here are the steps to reproduce it".

For reports where more information is required, the problem is not apparent, or the steps to reproduce are a bit more in-depth, we would recommend reporting the issue via the forums using the below steps.

Forum Reports:

1. Check this thread for an existing issue

2. Take a screenshot with debug info
Enter "/debug" into chat and take a screenshot by pressing F8. The screenshot is saved to your Documents/My Games/Path of Exile Folder.

3. If it is a graphical problem, we also need your PC specs
Include Operating System (Windows version), RAM/memory, video card, and anything else relevant.

4. Post it
If you post in the forums keep your title descriptive. We may not be able to reply, but we do check every post when we have the chance. The more descriptive your title, the greater chance it will be noticed and fixed, and the easier our jobs are!

How to post an image

  • Upload the file to an image hosting website, such as Imgur

  • Mouse over the dots beside the "Copy" button, then click "Get share links"

  • Click the "Copy" button for BBCode (Forums)

  • Paste that into your Path of Exile forum post

If you can't get a screenshot, we need as much as you can tell us about reproduction steps. The zone you were in, the skills you were using, the monsters you were fighting - anything that might point us towards the cause of the problem!

If you get a Client or Instance crash, we receive a report automatically the next time you start your client. Report it here in a thread only if you have reproduction steps that will let us find the problem.

Important! Make sure you only have one bug per report. We want to be able to resolve reports if bugs are fixed, or have others be able to respond to bugs easily.

Also, confirm that there are no other threads reporting this issue, and post your bug in there if that is the case.

More reports are always good, but only if they are in one place, rather than spread over many different threads. To search only the Bug Reports forum, navigate to Forum Search and select the Bug Reports option from the 'Forums' list.

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

Useful Resources

Translation feedback or problems can be posted in the appropriate forums here:
Brazilian Portuguese Russian Thai German Spanish French

  • Read a Gameplay Developer's mechanics answers here!

  • Check out the Common Technical Problems page here!

  • Console Bug Reports should be posted here!

  • Known Issues for PlayStation and Xbox can be found here!

Things you should know

  • Typing /help in-game brings up a list of useful commands

  • Pushing F1 toggles your telemetry. This shows your FPS and latency

  • If the game is running poorly, try lowering your Graphics settings

  • Holding Alt lets you see the built-in level of an item

  • Backing up your content.ggpk file can save you a large download if this file becomes corrupted

  • If your content.ggpk file does become corrupted, try performing a Pack Check

  • You're only able to reclaim a skill gem MTX if your current character has that skill gem equipped. We are planning on adding the reclaim functionality to the Microtransaction tab in the future

  • Certain combinations of skills and MTX can result in audio cutting out (Source)

  • Flasks don't activate while holding Alt, Shift, or Ctrl

  • Gems socketed in items in player trade will not show up

  • It is possible for monsters to damage you during an area transition

  • Leaving a bandit fight causes it to end

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

How to Report Bugs

It is always a good idea to back up your content.ggpk file. It will let you restore the game to a previous patch if your client becomes corrupt.

In-game Reports:

You can use the "/bug" command to report bugs to us directly while playing the game. This is ideal for bugs where there is an immediately recognisable issue (such as a terrain problem). You can also type additional information after "/bug" that will be sent along with your bug report, for example: "/bug I'm experiencing this problem and here are the steps to reproduce it".

For reports where more information is required, the problem is not apparent, or the steps to reproduce are a bit more in-depth, we would recommend reporting the issue via the forums using the below steps.

Forum Reports:

1. Check this thread for an existing issue

2. Take a screenshot with debug info
Enter "/debug" into chat and take a screenshot by pressing F8. The screenshot is saved to your Documents/My Games/Path of Exile Folder.

3. If it is a graphical problem, we also need your PC specs
Include Operating System (Windows version), RAM/memory, video card, and anything else relevant.

4. Post it
If you post in the forums keep your title descriptive. We may not be able to reply, but we do check every post when we have the chance. The more descriptive your title, the greater chance it will be noticed and fixed, and the easier our jobs are!

How to post an image

  • Upload the file to an image hosting website, such as Imgur

  • Mouse over the image and click the 3 dots in the corner, then click "Get share links"

  • Click the "Copy" button for BBCode (Forums)

  • Paste that into your Path of Exile forum post

If you can't get a screenshot, we need as much as you can tell us about reproduction steps. The zone you were in, the skills you were using, the monsters you were fighting - anything that might point us towards the cause of the problem!

If you get a Client or Instance crash, we receive a report automatically the next time you start your client. Report it here in a thread only if you have reproduction steps that will let us find the problem.

Important! Make sure you only have one bug per report. We want to be able to resolve reports if bugs are fixed, or have others be able to respond to bugs easily.

Also, confirm that there are no other threads reporting this issue, and post your bug in there if that is the case.

More reports are always good, but only if they are in one place, rather than spread over many different threads. To search only the Bug Reports forum, navigate to Forum Search and select the Bug Reports option from the 'Forums' list.

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

Useful Resources

Translation feedback or problems can be posted in the appropriate forums here:
Brazilian Portuguese Russian Thai German Spanish French

  • Read a Gameplay Developer's mechanics answers here!

  • Check out the Common Technical Problems page here!

  • Console Bug Reports should be posted here!

  • Known Issues for PlayStation and Xbox can be found here!

Things you should know

  • Typing /help in-game brings up a list of useful commands

  • Pushing F1 toggles your telemetry. This shows your FPS and latency

  • If the game is running poorly, try lowering your Graphics settings

  • Holding Alt lets you see the built-in level of an item

  • Backing up your content.ggpk file can save you a large download if this file becomes corrupted

  • If your content.ggpk file does become corrupted, try performing a Pack Check

  • You're only able to reclaim a skill gem MTX if your current character has that skill gem equipped. We are planning on adding the reclaim functionality to the Microtransaction tab in the future

  • Certain combinations of skills and MTX can result in audio cutting out (Source)

  • Flasks don't activate while holding Alt, Shift, or Ctrl

  • Gems socketed in items in player trade will not show up

  • It is possible for monsters to damage you during an area transition

  • Leaving a bandit fight causes it to end

over 5 years ago - Rachel - Direct link

How to Report Bugs

It is always a good idea to back up your content.ggpk file. It will let you restore the game to a previous patch if your client becomes corrupt.

In-game Reports:

You can use the "/bug" command to report bugs to us directly while playing the game. This is ideal for bugs where there is an immediately recognisable issue (such as a terrain problem). You can also type additional information after "/bug" that will be sent along with your bug report, for example: "/bug I'm experiencing this problem and here are the steps to reproduce it".

For reports where more information is required, the problem is not apparent, or the steps to reproduce are a bit more in-depth, we would recommend reporting the issue via the forums using the below steps.

Forum Reports:

1. Check this thread for an existing issue

2. Take a screenshot with debug info
Enter "/debug" into chat and take a screenshot by pressing F8. The screenshot is saved to your Documents/My Games/Path of Exile Folder.

3. If it is a graphical problem, we also need your PC specs
Include Operating System (Windows version), RAM/memory, video card, and anything else relevant.

4. Post it
If you post in the forums keep your title descriptive. We may not be able to reply, but we do check every post when we have the chance. The more descriptive your title, the greater chance it will be noticed and fixed, and the easier our jobs are!

How to post an image

  • Upload the file to an image hosting website, such as Imgur

  • Mouse over the image and click the 3 dots in the corner, then click "Get share links"

  • Click the "Copy" button for BBCode (Forums)

  • Paste that into your Path of Exile forum post

If you can't get a screenshot, we need as much as you can tell us about reproduction steps. The zone you were in, the skills you were using, the monsters you were fighting - anything that might point us towards the cause of the problem!

If you get a Client or Instance crash, we receive a report automatically the next time you start your client. Report it here in a thread only if you have reproduction steps that will let us find the problem.

Important! Make sure you only have one bug per report. We want to be able to resolve reports if bugs are fixed, or have others be able to respond to bugs easily.

Also, confirm that there are no other threads reporting this issue, and post your bug in there if that is the case.

More reports are always good, but only if they are in one place, rather than spread over many different threads. To search only the Bug Reports forum, navigate to Forum Search and select the Bug Reports option from the 'Forums' list.