EU servers just poofed, as is tradition. As did the trade site.
Getting in a login queue a week after launch from the sheer number of disconnects is not a good look GGG, to say the least.
Edit: For what it's worth, I am actually actively stopping myself from treating me into some cool MTXs I wanted to, I might be a sucker but I'm not *that* much of a clown to give GGG any amount of money until their game is playable again.
Inb4 it's your ISP, it's the routing, it's Telia. Yeah, those issues somehow only affect POE. No other game I've played recently (Apex, TFT, BF, even D4) has ever had these issues *this* frequently. POE is on a schedule, you actually expect the servers to crash in the European evening hours these days.
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