over 6 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by i_Occasionally

Hey guys,

After the posts about getting a bot to keep track of GGG comments I decided to make some changes to an old bot template I had lying around and after a few hours of testing in another sub, it seems to be working okay. Please keep in mind that I have not really spent much time developing reddit bots and the template hadn't been touched in months, there will almost certainly be issues somewhere.

Currently it is watching for Bex and Chris' accounts, I'm not too sure if there are other GGG accounts but if there are, feel free to let me know or submit it as a bug report (keep reading) and I'll add those accounts to the list. The post that it makes is very similar to the DTG_Bot, however I am not super familiar with Markdown so I expect some formatting issues as well.

I will be keeping track of the bots posts for a while and you can also reply to the bot with something like "!reportbug you suck you stupid bot" and it will let me know of your issue. Preferably give some better info than that though. If anyone would like to help out and maintain the bot or if you're just interested in grabbing the template for some other use, let me know. Work is pretty slow in December but after the new year I will likely be super busy again and may not have much or any time to keep up with maintenance.

Anyways, enjoy!

Edit: Thanks for letting me know that it was looking weird on "Old Reddit" whatever that is. I updated the formatting so new posts should look like they're supposed to. I've also added the rest of the GGG staff from the subs stylesheet.

Fun little insider scoop: the QA team has a group chat where they receive notifications when staff post anywhere. They turned off notifications for me because apparently all the gifs are too distracting. MRW https://i.imgur.com/qzPTQaE.gif