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almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

This is useful as a guide for understanding the effects of these stats, but it's worth noting this won't hold up when you start factoring in other things. In particular, you show the bags getting bigger in both 2 and 4, which is incorrect - these only affect the total recovery - multiplying how much blood is coming out of the combined tubes, they do not affect the actual sizes of the bags. The only analogy I can come up with that fits is a blood donor who's promised to donate their own blood to match a % of what you're getting from the bags.

This is notably important in the case of The Retch, which applies a dot based on each leech instance - those stats aren't actually affecting the "bag size", so The Retch's dot is likewise not affected (stat 1, which does affect the maximum bag size, does affect the DoT).

Also the last panel is incorrect when it says ES leech is the same - the maximum total for ES (width of the opening in your analogy) is 10%, where for life and mana it's 20% of the max.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by toxicsnek

Mark, one thing I still don't understand (patch notes are out, so you can't spoil them)

Do leech changes cap instant leech from bloodseeker and such at 10% per hit as well?

Instant Leech is still leech, it's still affected by the maximum amount from a single leech.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by pfSonata

In particular, you show the bags getting bigger in both 2 and 4, which is incorrect - these only affect the total recovery - multiplying how much blood is coming out of the combined tubes, they do not affect the actual sizes of the bags.

But the size of the bags is the total life gained, which does increase since you are increasing the leech rate per instance without decreasing duration. By necessity the bag would have to be bigger to sustain increased blood flow for the same period of time.

edit: ignoring the overall max rate cap, of course

This is the part where the analogy falls apart. In game terms, the bags do not get any bigger, but the bit where the pipes all connect up has more blood coming out of it than is going into it. Hence why I suggested the analogy would be a blood donor adding extra blood.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by prospectre

Nah, you're thinking about it in a different order. Yes, in the formula it goes something like this:

(X(10% Bag) * (2% per second) <= (20% throughput)) * Y(% healing increase)

But if you think about it algebraically, you can simply apply the healing increase to the whole formula.

Y(X(10% Bag) * (2% per second)) <= Y((20% throughput))

It's a bit rough, but that's the general idea. It doesn't matter to the formula where the increase happens, so for the purposes of the illustration it still fits.

My point was that does matter when you look at the rest of the game, because there are other mechanics which care about the size of the bags.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by aivdov

So just to be very very clear can you please confirm if true or false?

Stats: 1000 life. 1000 damage per hit. 100% life leech on attacks. Vaal pact in some way (e.g. bloodseeker). Slayer overleech.

Before: Every hit heals by 1000, retch deals 2000

Now: Every hit heals by 100, retch deals 2000?

Because so far it seemed that since leech instance itself is capped at 10% of max life the bag size becomes 10% of max life and thus the retch is extremely nerfed to the ground for some builds. And considering how hard it is to achieve those synergies I really wish it could work :(

No, the leech instance is recovering 100 life, so that's how much damage is caused.