Lose all Inspiration Charges after Spending a total of 800 Mana on Upfront Costs and Effects of Supported Skills
Any idea of what is an "upfront cost"?
Lose all Inspiration Charges after Spending a total of 800 Mana on Upfront Costs and Effects of Supported Skills
Any idea of what is an "upfront cost"?
Upfront Costs are all costs not paid per-second. The distinction is necessary because Link skills introduce the concept of per-second costs to PoE, and some things can't work with those so now need to specify.
This is not a functional change, just needing to be more specific since there's now a new type of cost for which the amount spent can't be tracked on a per-skill basis.
Each tick of channeling is upfront, I think. I'm pretty sure from the game's perspective a channeling skill is "cast" rapidly.
Each time you pay the cost of a channeling skill is paying an upfront cost. But you are incorrect about channeling being rapidly casting - it's one long cast, over which you pay the cost multiple times.
Was the old arctic armour not per second?
It's cost was not. It had an effect that made you lose mana per second, but that was not its cost.