over 3 years
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You are incorrect. Monsters correctly have maximum chance to block attack damage, with a base value of 75. This does apply. With the total mods shown in your screenshot, the monsters will have a final value of 85% chance to block attack damage, because the +100% is limited by the maximum, which has a +10 bonus.
Checking this has led me to an actual bug though - monsters currently don't set a value for maximum spell block, which means they have 0, instead of the correct value of 75. This doesn't mean their block is uncapped, it means the cap is zero - with the total mods in your screenshot, the monsters will only have a total of 10% chance to block spell damage. I will get this fixed.
Checking this has led me to an actual bug though - monsters currently don't set a value for maximum spell block, which means they have 0, instead of the correct value of 75. This doesn't mean their block is uncapped, it means the cap is zero - with the total mods in your screenshot, the monsters will only have a total of 10% chance to block spell damage. I will get this fixed.