over 6 years
ago -
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As you know, we're aiming to release a new set of 'core' Supporter Packs this month, so it's time to say goodbye to the War for the Atlas Supporter Packs. The upcoming Supporter Packs are likely to be released next Friday (December 21, New Zealand time), which means that you have less than two weeks to purchase one of the War for the Atlas packs before they leave the store forever!
Please note that while we're trying our best to release the new Supporter Packs next Friday, there is still a possibility that they will require more work and testing and might be delayed until the beginning of next year. These new 'core' supporter packs will exist alongside the Betrayal packs (and future league packs).

Each War for the Atlas supporter pack contains points to spend in the store and exclusive in-game microtransactions which are only available in supporter packs and will not appear in the store.

There are also physical items, like the War for the Atlas t-shirt and a cloth map of the Atlas!

If you'd like to reserve a supporter pack so you can purchase it after the War for the Atlas packs leave the store, you can set up a payment plan with our customer support team at [email protected].

Creating a payment plan can reserve a supporter pack for you for up to three months after the commencement of your plan. The payment amounts and times are totally flexible, you just have to pre-arrange this with the team before the sale of these supporter packs end.

We want to thank everyone who has purchased a Supporter Pack at any point in time. The sales of Supporter Packs so far have funded a significant portion of Path of Exile's development. Thank you so much for your continued support!