about 6 years
ago -
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There are only a couple of days left until we reveal the full details of our next expansion. Today we'd like to take a moment to remind you about the end of the Betrayal Supporter Packs and several upcoming dates to be aware of.
Betrayal will end on Monday, March 4th at 1pm (PST), so you have two weeks to complete your challenges. Our intentions for the future of Betrayal will be announced alongside the full details of the 3.6.0 expansion (Tuesday, February 19th (PST).
The 3.6.0 expansion will launch on the 8th of March (PST) on PC, and on the 11th of March (PST) on Xbox One. We still don't have a firm date for PS4 release, but we're aiming for the middle of March.
At the time of the announcement we will release a new set of league supporter packs and this means that the Betrayal Supporter Packs will leave the store forever!
If you're worried about missing out on the Betrayal Supporter Packs, please consider setting up a payment plan with our customer support team at [email protected]. The amount and frequency of payments on a payment plan is completely flexible as long as you arrange them in advance. Payment plans can also reserve a supporter pack for you for up to 3 months after the commencement of your plan.
The Betrayal Supporter Packs on the Xbox One version will be replaced with the new ones shortly after the announcement of the new expansion.
Thank you so much for your support! We can't wait to show you what we've been working on!