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almost 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by RussellLawliet

There's about 5 good games.

There's a lot of great games on the Google Play store, they're just hard to find because the store's features for finding stuff suck and the horrible cash grabs do all the advertising and SEO stuff to become more visible. You also have to be willing to actually pay for some of the good ones (they then tend not to badger you for further payments, like a lot of the free phone games do). A selection of examples from what I currently have installed:

BuriedBornes is an indie game by a Japanese dev which has a good chance of appealing to a lot of PoE's playerbase. Deep character builds focusing on interesting interactions. Turn-based combat with a lot of stuf to keep track of. Free to play with ads, or can remove them by making a small purchase. There's the option to spend more for unlocks, but I believe that's all earnable through play as well. I paid the minimum amount to remove the ads & support the dev, and that also let me unlock an extra class earlier than I otherwise would.

Data Wing is a fun racing-ish game with controls that work well for mobile, and a weird story and setting that add a little charm. Saying much more would be a spoiler.

Downwell's mobile implementaiton is pretty solid. I preferred the slightly easier controls on PC, but it definitely works and is quite fun, and having it on my phone makes it easier to find time to do a run.

Ganz Schön Clever is an adaptaion of a physical game. I've only played it solo, but it's an interesting puzzle which might be of interest to some PoE players due to being entirely about optimisation of random numbers, presented in a way that looks like a colourful spreadsheet.

Hoplite is a great tactical puzzle roguelike, with several viable build paths around combinations of upgrades to your 4-ish basic abilities (depending how you count them). The base game is free, playing through 16 (I think?) levels to find the golden fleece, then escape. There's a one-time purchase that unlocks the ability to continue past the level with the fleece, delving deeper through ever-more-challenging levels in search of glory and bragging rights. Personally, I recommend going to the options and switching to the original graphics - they're less detailed, but are much easier to "read" and understand the level, and there's a certain charm to their simplicity.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon takes my pick for the best of the Pixel Dungeon variants, and best traditional roguelike on mobile in general. But there are a bunch of other variants, and you may well find you prefer a different one. The original is still fine, although I don't agree with all the design descisions which were made, and I'd miss all the extra content from Shattered if I went back now.

Slice and Dice isn't even a finished game yet, just a prototype of a combat system, but you can join the beta on the play store, and it's quite fun. I've gotten a couple of other people in the office onto it, and have had interesting discussions about class combinations and which party members to level up first. You have a party of five adventurers, each represented by a die, and can run through two dungeons, each composed of a series of fixed encounters (the harder one unlocks after beating the easier one), but the random variation of items, and which advanced classes you get offered, all contribute to give a lot of replayability and fun.

Solitairica did the rounds at GGG a while back, and I still go back to it and try new builds or attempt to beat an epic run with a new class. From memory I think the first (most boring) class is free, with a one-time purchase to open up the rest of the game, which you then unlock with wildstone you earn through playing in order to actually use and upgrade them. Lots of replayability, and potential to try out different "builds" for each class to some extent.