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Trial of the Ancestors Launch - Live Updates 🔴
The Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors expansion has launched! We'll be updating this thread live throughout the day with any relevant info you may need about the expansion's deployment. You can also follow us on Twitter for updates if the site is unavailable. The times below are displayed in your local time but you will need to be logged in to view them. The latest updates will be at the top.
The Trial of the Ancestors Supporter packs are also out, so if you'd like to support us you can check them out here! Thank you for your continued support!
Trial of the Ancestors Day 22
Sep 07, 2023 9:32 PM (EDT) - We've released 3.22.1 Hotfix 2. Full notes below.
3.22.1 Hotfix 2
- Fixed a bug in Trial of the Ancestors Matches that could cause the instance to lag.
- Fixed 2 instance crashes.
This change applies to instances created after this hotfix was deployed. New instances of the Halls of the Dead can be created by Ctrl+Clicking on the World Map Pin.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 20
Sep 06, 2023 1:24 AM (EDT) - We've released 3.22.1 Hotfix. Full notes below.
3.22.1 Hotfix
- Improved the behaviour of Trial of the Ancestors Warriors that are Attacking or Flanking, so they target enemies better when no totems are targetable.
This change applies to instances created after this hotfix was deployed. New instances of the Halls of the Dead can be created by Ctrl+Clicking on the World Map Pin.
Sep 05, 2023 5:42 PM (EDT) -
Trial of the Ancestors Day 19
Sep 05, 2023 1:29 AM (EDT) - Characters moved to Standard from Hardcore due to the bug have now been placed into a Void league while we investigate. Deleting Void characters has also been temporarily disabled.
Sep 05, 2023 12:54 AM (EDT) - Hardcore players affected by the bug but haven't logged in since the patch can now safely log into their characters without being moved to Standard. We're still investigating characters that have already been moved to Standard.
Sep 05, 2023 12:00 AM (EDT) - We're currently investigating reports of Hardcore characters being moved to Standard that had died earlier in the Trial of the Ancestors.
Sep 04, 2023 10:00 PM (EDT) - We've released Patch 3.22.1, which adds a forfeit button for stalemate situations and a revive progress indicator in the Trial of the Ancestors, as well as balance changes to many Warriors and some Field Items. We've also fixed a number of bugs, and have made a change that decreases the loading screen time of town areas. Full patch notes can be found here.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 12
Aug 28, 2023 7:35 PM (EDT) -
- The Titanic Shell monster in Ancestral Trials will be getting some changes in the next restart patch.
- We also plan to add a respawn timer to Ancestral Trials in the next restart patch.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 11
Aug 28, 2023 12:06 AM (EDT) - We've released 3.22.0b Hotfix 4. Full notes below.
3.22.0b Hotfix 4
- Improved renderer to help fix situations where assets were not loading.
- Improved client performance for lower-core CPUs.
- Fixed a bug where changing Texture Quality sometimes did not properly reload the textures.
- Fixed a bug where the Delve Subterranean Chart was showing hidden paths before they had been found.
- Fixed a client crash.
You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 8
Aug 25, 2023 12:23 AM (EDT) - We've released 3.22.0b Hotfix 3. Full notes below.
3.22.0b Hotfix 3
- Fixed a bug where the Hinekora's Horn Warrior's skill was making allies revive slower instead of reviving them faster.
This change applies to instances created after this hotfix was deployed. New instances of the Halls of the Dead can be created by Ctrl+Clicking on the World Map Pin.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 7
Aug 23, 2023 10:27 PM (EDT) - We've released 3.22.0b Hotfix 2. Full notes below.
3.22.0b Hotfix 2
Trial of the Ancestors Changes
- Warriors can no longer repeatedly Flee.
- Warriors can now only be knocked back a maximum of 5 times every 5 seconds.
- Warriors are unaffected by Taunt.
- Warriors' minimum movement speed is now 50% (half of base).
- Fixed a bug where the Mystic Prophet could sometimes not die at the end of a match.
Changes will apply in instances created after this hotfix was deployed. Halls of the Dead instances opened prior to this patch will be closed shortly.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 6
Aug 24, 2023 2:28 AM (EDT) - We've released 3.22.0b Hotfix. Full notes below.
3.22.0b Hotfix
Trial of the Ancestors Improvements
- Improved the scaling of rewards offered for higher rankings. Non-final matches now have a chance to offer rewards that can usually only be offered for the final match. The chance of this occurring slightly increases as the Tournament progresses, and also increases with your ranking.
- The chance to be offered some of the more valuable reward outcomes has been increased.
- Increased the stack size and stack size variance of Currency and Scarabs offered as rewards.
- Divination Card rewards now have varying stack sizes, and the cards offered now improve as the rounds progress.
- You can now be offered 3-5 of a random Tattoo from the relevant Tribe as a reward for the final match in a Tournament.
- Enemy teams can no longer have more than one Titanic Shell Warrior.
- The Rongokurai Tribe now Overwhelm 30% of Physical Damage Reduction (previously 50%).
- Significantly lowered the Damage of Goliath of the Night's Earthquake Skill.
- Reduced the range of which Storm Conduit can use their Lightning Beam.
- Lowered the damage from the Trawler's Fish Trap Skill.
- Players and Warriors that have been prevented from reviving for 10 seconds, through the Consuming Kunekune's Spirit Consumption or Hinekora's Horn's Spiritual Capture Skills, now have a 10 second respite period where their revive cannot be prevented.
- The Sunset Sage Warrior can now decide to channel on an enemy Ancestral Totem from further away.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where skills that prevented reviving or increased revival speed could be applied to alive Players and Warriors in The Eye of Destiny.
- Fixed a bug where you did not have a short Grace Period after reviving at your Ancestral Totem in The Eye of Destiny.
- Fixed a bug where some early-rank Trial of the Ancestor rewards rarely failed to generate in Ruthless.
- Fixed four instance crashes.
Changes will apply in instances created after this hotfix was deployed. New instances of the Halls of the Dead can be created by Ctrl+Clicking on the World Map Pin.
Aug 23, 2023 8:07 PM (EDT) - We're working on fixes to some performance and engine issues and will try to get this out as soon as we can.
Aug 23, 2023 8:04 PM (EDT) - We have improvements to monster balance and rewards in Ancestral Trials that we'll be trying to release in a patch before the weekend.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 5
Aug 22, 2023 10:42 PM (EDT) - We've released Patch 3.22.0b. Full notes below.
3.22.0b Patch Notes
This patch contains improvements to The Trial of the Ancestors and bug fixes of both small- and medium-importance.Trial of the Ancestors Improvements
- Player Flasks also now refill at the end of a match.
- Increased the amount of favour earnt from sponsors for winning as the tournament progresses.
- Navali now provides 500 favour upon losing a match (previously 250).
- Reduced the damage dealt to Minions for some Warrior Skills, particularly on those that Minions can't reasonably avoid.
- Warriors in the Escort position can now decide to channel on an enemy Ancestral Totem from further away.
- Improved the visual for when you are interrupted while banishing an enemy Ancestral Totem.
- Made some improvements to the Trial of the Ancestors UI for Controller input mode.
General Changes
- A change made in 3.22.0 inadvertently fixed incorrect behaviour with the spacing of Spell Cascade with skills with additional radius modifiers - most notably Curses, which gain large amounts of additional radius as the gems level up. We have reinstated the old behaviour only for Curses for the remainder of the Ancestor League, but this incorrect behaviour will be fixed in the 3.23.0 patch.
- The modifier that Duplicates random Offer Rewards upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge on The Hour of Divinity and The Gilded Chalice Unique Relics has been re-enabled. These Relics can drop from The Forbidden Sanctum once again.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Ancestral Totems could be untargetable when revived.
- Fixed a bug where Damage over Time skills used by Warriors were not dealing the correct amount of damage against enemy Warriors.
- Fixed a bug where Ancestral Archers summoned by the Autumnal Archer would not die when the allied totem they were protecting was destroyed.
- Fixed some more visuals that could persist after matches in The Eye of Destiny.
- Fixed a bug where Brand Spells cast by Totems, Traps, or Mines were not counting towards the limit of how many Brands you can have attached to an enemy.
- Fixed a bug where Avenging Flame projectiles, triggered by Flamewood Support, were checking evasion instead of spell dodge.
- Fixed a bug where Eldritch Altar modifiers that cause the Map Boss to drop additional items were not functioning correctly in the Lava Lake Map.
- Fixed a bug where Global Illumination was over-brightening many visuals.
- Fixed a bug where Maven-created clones of Map Bosses could be invisible.
- Fixed a bug where the beams in the Xenathar, Templar Reaper and Uhtred, Covetous Traitor fights could be mostly invisible.
- Fixed a visual bug where a Passive Skill could be incorrectly displayed behind other Passive Skills when you had a Cluster Jewel socketed in the Large Jewel socket at the top-left corner of the Passive Skill Tree.
- Fixed a bug where the sound of some of Puruna, the Challenger's skills could be unaffected by the volume slider.
- Fixed a flickering issue with one of Sirus, Awakener of Worlds' skills.
- Fixed a visual bug with one of the skills used by Primal Chimeral.
- Fixed three instance crashes.
- Fixed three client crashes.
This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
There are still further changes that were announced we will be getting out in subsequent patches.
Trial of the Ancestors Day 4
Aug 21, 2023 7:04 PM (EDT) -
Trial of the Ancestors Day 3
Aug 21, 2023 1:04 AM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 7 which addresses the following issues:
- Fixed a bug where Blade Blast was not detonating Blade Vortex blades correctly.
- Fixed a bug where Harvest minimap icons could be seen outside of The Sacred Grove.
- Fixed a bug where the Frenzymonger buff would persist into the next Trial of the Ancestors match if you were doing them back to back.
- Fixed a bug where Warriors with Equipment cost less favour than the same Warrior without Equipment.
- Fixed some cases where visuals could persist after matches in The Eye of Destiny.
- Fixed a client crash.
Aug 20, 2023 10:16 PM (EDT) - We'll be making some balance changes to the Trial of the Ancestors, as well as fixing some bugs. Some of these things include:
- Adding a visual indicator when the player dies in an Ancestral Trial to show the amount of time until they revive.
- Improving the visual indicator for when the player is stunned while banishing an enemy totem.
- Consider adding a forfeit button for Ancestral Trials.
- Addressing the balance of some monsters, such as the Titanic Shell.
- Reducing the amount of damage minions take from enemy units in Ancestral Trials.
- Fixing monster damage over time dealing far too little damage against other monsters in Ancestral Trials.
- Increasing the amount of favour earned each round as the tournament progresses.
- Fixing some of the prices of units equiped with an item being cheaper than the same unit without an item.
- Fixing Ikiaho's effects persisting in the arena after a match ends.
- Fixing totems being untargetable if they are revived.
- Investigating monster names sometimes not displaying on hover in Ancestral Trials.
Aug 20, 2023 5:20 PM (EDT) -
Trial of the Ancestors Day 2
Aug 19, 2023 9:07 PM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 6 which addresses the below issue:
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in The Trial of the Ancestors related to the Ramako Karui Archer.
This fix applies when entering a new instance of The Halls of The Dead.
Aug 19, 2023 8:24 PM (EDT) -
Aug 19, 2023 6:31 PM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 5 which addresses the below issue:
- Temporarily disabled the modifier that Duplicates random Offer Rewards upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge on The Hour of Divinity and The Gilded Chalice Unique Relics. These Relics have also been temporarily disabled from dropping.
Aug 19, 2023 5:56 PM (EDT) -
Aug 19, 2023 5:53 PM (EDT) -
Aug 19, 2023 5:50 PM (EDT) -
Aug 19, 2023 5:50 PM (EDT) -
Trial of the Ancestors Day 1
Aug 19, 2023 4:07 AM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 4 which addresses the following issues:
- Fixed a bug where Frozen Legion was not summoning Statues. Using this skill without restarting your client will cause your client to crash. But this will only occur once, as you'll patch into a fixed client.
- Fixed a bug that caused prolonged black screens when using an in-area transition.
- Fixed a bug where some Map Device microtransactions were not displaying their correct visual effects.
- Fixed a bug where the Combining UI for microtransactions was throwing an error.
- Fixed an instance crash.
You will need to restart your client to receive the fixes from this patch.
Aug 19, 2023 2:19 AM (EDT) -
Aug 19, 2023 2:18 AM (EDT) -
Aug 19, 2023 2:11 AM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 11:45 PM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 3 which addresses the following issues:
- The Amber Beads Ancestral Equipment Item now grants Regenerate 2% of Life per second (previously 6%). This value will still display as 6% on the item until a later client patch.
- Chieftains and Warriors in The Trial of the Ancestors no longer regenerate 5% of their life per second when near their Ancestral Totems.
- Fixed a bug where Triggerbots would not spawn in The Eye of Destiny.
- Fixed four instance crashes.
Changes will apply in areas created after this hotfix was deployed.
Aug 18, 2023 10:02 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 7:29 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 7:27 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 7:27 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 7:21 PM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 2 which addresses the following issue:
- Fixed some intermittently missing visual effects.
You'll need to restart your game client to patch into the new one that has this fix.
Aug 18, 2023 6:12 PM (EDT) - We've released Hotfix 1 which addresses the following issues:
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to permanently die in the Halls of the Dead in Hardcore mode.
- Fixed a bug where Silver Coins could drop in Standard.
Aug 18, 2023 6:07 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 5:26 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 5:22 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 5:07 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 5:06 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 5:00 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 4:47 PM (EDT) -
Aug 18, 2023 4:00 PM (EDT) - The Trial of the Ancestors expansion is now live!