almost 3 years ago - /u/chris_wilson - Direct link

After making some numerical balance changes yesterday, we are now making a functional change to how Archnemesis Modifiers spawn on rare monsters. Previously, rare monsters you encountered generally had two Archnemesis mods, but could spawn with as many as three or four. Now, they will default to one modifier, with a chance of having two or three. Update: We have deployed this patch as a serverside hotfix.

Archnemesis mods are designed so that certain pairs are very challenging to overcome. And we are generally pretty happy with the difficulty of those particular encounters if they occur infrequently. However, modern Path of Exile is pretty liberal with spawning rare monsters, and with a default of two modifiers each, these intense encounters were occurring far too often.

With this change to a default of one modifier, the complexity and difficulty of rare monster fights will be lower. You'll still occasionally encounter modifiers that provide a bit of difficulty for your build, but it'll be far less often. And the intense combos of 2+ mods won't be happening on every screen anymore (or at all in the early game).

To be clear, we're also going to keep applying functional and numeric changes to specific mods as needed. Those will come after the weekend as we get more developers back in the office. In the future, we may make further changes to the number of Archnemesis modifiers spawning on monsters once we feel that they're individually in a really good place.

We're aware that this change is an implicit nerf to the Headhunter unique, so we will find a way to counter-buff in the next few days. We don't intend to reduce the power of Headhunter as a result of this change. We'll also investigate the challenges that requires you to kill monsters with five Archnemesis mods.

Thanks for your continued feedback about this system, Sentinel League and the new endgame content! We'll keep you updated throughout the week with our thoughts.

Update: We have deployed this patch as a serverside hotfix.

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almost 3 years ago - Chris - Direct link

Archnemesis Rare Changes (Part 2)

After making some numerical balance changes yesterday, we are now making a functional change to how Archnemesis Modifiers spawn on rare monsters. Previously, rare monsters you encountered generally had two Archnemesis mods, but could spawn with as many as three or four. Now, they will default to one modifier, with a chance of having two or three. Update: This patch has been deployed as a serverside hotfix.

Archnemesis mods are designed so that certain pairs are very challenging to overcome. And we are generally pretty happy with the difficulty of those particular encounters if they occur infrequently. However, modern Path of Exile is pretty liberal with spawning rare monsters, and with a default of two modifiers each, these intense encounters were occurring far too often.

With this change to a default of one modifier, the complexity and difficulty of rare monster fights will be lower. You'll still occasionally encounter modifiers that provide a bit of difficulty for your build, but it'll be far less often. And the intense combos of 2+ mods won't be happening on every screen anymore (or at all in the early game).

To be clear, we're also going to keep applying functional and numeric changes to specific mods as needed. Those will come after the weekend as we get more developers back in the office. In the future, we may make further changes to the number of Archnemesis modifiers spawning on monsters once we feel that they're individually in a really good place.

We're aware that this change is an implicit nerf to the Headhunter unique, so we will find a way to counter-buff in the next few days. We don't intend to reduce the power of Headhunter as a result of this change. We'll also investigate the challenges that requires you to kill monsters with five Archnemesis mods.

We have deployed this patch as a serverside hotfix. Thanks for your continued feedback about this system, Sentinel League and the new endgame content! We'll keep you updated throughout the week with our thoughts.

almost 3 years ago - /u/chris_wilson - Direct link

After making some numerical balance changes yesterday, we are now making a functional change to how Archnemesis Modifiers spawn on rare monsters. Previously, rare monsters you encountered generally had two Archnemesis mods, but could spawn with as many as three or four. Now, they will default to one modifier, with a chance of having two or three. Update: We have deployed this patch as a serverside hotfix.

Archnemesis mods are designed so that certain pairs are very challenging to overcome. And we are generally pretty happy with the difficulty of those particular encounters if they occur infrequently. However, modern Path of Exile is pretty liberal with spawning rare monsters, and with a default of two modifiers each, these intense encounters were occurring far too often.

With this change to a default of one modifier, the complexity and difficulty of rare monster fights will be lower. You'll still occasionally encounter modifiers that provide a bit of difficulty for your build, but it'll be far less often. And the intense combos of 2+ mods won't be happening on every screen anymore (or at all in the early game).

To be clear, we're also going to keep applying functional and numeric changes to specific mods as needed. Those will come after the weekend as we get more developers back in the office. In the future, we may make further changes to the number of Archnemesis modifiers spawning on monsters once we feel that they're individually in a really good place.

We're aware that this change is an implicit nerf to the Headhunter unique, so we will find a way to counter-buff in the next few days. We don't intend to reduce the power of Headhunter as a result of this change. We'll also investigate the challenges that requires you to kill monsters with five Archnemesis mods.

Thanks for your continued feedback about this system, Sentinel League and the new endgame content! We'll keep you updated throughout the week with our thoughts.

Update: We have deployed this patch as a serverside hotfix.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mrka12

Any word on the fact that many of these mods brick builds? Or are those the mods you will be changing when more devs are in?

In general it's okay for some cases to be harder for specific builds but we're keeping an eye on this and do have many changes planned already. Please let us know about specific cases you'd like us to look at most and we'll discuss.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Ofcyouare

"We tested it extensively and were happy with the level of difficulty when we released it".

Proceeds to nerf it twice in 12h and might nerf it further after the weekend.

I want to clear this up because it sucks to see our QA team taking the brunt of this when they work really hard. Extensively tested means that it was tested to confirm that it works exactly how we wanted it to. It was a choice to make them difficult, not an oversight. I imagine that difference won't make the experience more palatable but at least you shouldn't blame QA.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by welpxD

You might caution Chris not to say "extensively tested" when he is using it in this more narrow bug-hunting sense. Players typically read this as "tested whether it worked and was fun to play", which evidently is not what Chris meant.

I told him lol

almost 3 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by faytte

Roger, and not to sound cheeky or snarky, but it seems we should be blaming the developers and their design decisions, which has been a running theme across several of the past leagues. So my question is, why is there such a large disconnect between the design direction and player enjoyment and wants? I for one have become exhausted of this cycle, and I can only imagine GGG is far more exhausted of it. So then why does this seem like Side Show Bob walking across a a yard full of rakes and getting whacked in the face.

I kind of disagree that there is a large disconnect. Keep in mind that it's the same team that makes the things you do like, that makes the things you sometimes don't like. We're aware that there is a range of preferences between people who want more challenge or not and we try to cater to that as much as we can. (Hard Mode being a separate version is an example of this). Additionally, the changes we're making to the Archnemesis modifiers to make them more manageable are compromises that we're willing to make and feel okay with - both because they still with our original design intention and because what you think about the experience matters to us.