We're back with our fourth and final Harvest League statistics post. Today we'll be taking a look at which uniques are most-used by players across different level brackets and game modes, as well as which maps are the most popular, and which areas players are dying in the most!
First, let's look at Harvest itself. We'll look at level 70+, level 90+ and all levels of characters.
All Levels 70+ 90+ Tabula Rasa Thread of Hope Thread of Hope Thread of Hope Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye Atziri's Promise Primordial Harmony Atziri's Promise Lion's Roar Rumi's Concoction Lion's Roar Primordial Harmony Atziri's Promise Primordial Harmony Rumi's Concoction Cinderswallow Urn Goldrim The Wise Oak Lion's Roar Wanderlust Tabula Rasa The Wise Oak The Wise Oak Cinderswallow Urn Primordial Eminence Rumi's Concoction Primordial Eminence Glorious Vanity
Looking at All Levels, we can see multiple uniques that are generally considered to be "leveling unique items" in Goldrim and Wanderlust. What's interesting here is how popular Thread of Hope is. The Harvest update introduced Glancing Blows as a keystone on the passive tree, which just so happens to be in a great position to take advantage of a "Very Large Ring" Thread of Hope!
In the level 70+ bracket, Tabula Rasa starts declining drastically in popularity, as players transition away from their leveling gear and into stronger choices. Two Primordial jewels show up here, displaying the popularity of Golem builds.
Finally, in the level 90+ bracket, we see Tabula Rasa has dropped out of the picture entirely, with Glorious Vanity being a newcomer to the fold. Thread of Hope reigns supreme as the most popular choice, while there is very little fluctuation among the rest of the uniques.
Next, let's take a look at Harvest Hardcore. Here, we'll mainly be comparing how the Hardcore choices look relative to the Standard choices.
All Levels 70+ 90+ Tabula Rasa Tabula Rasa Thread of Hope Wanderlust Thread of Hope Glorious Vanity Goldrim Lion's Roar Watcher's Eye Lifesprig Spreading Rot Rumi's Concoction Blackheart Rumi's Concoction Spreading Rot Karui Ward Lioneye's Remorse Primordial Harmony Kaom's Sign Conqueror's Efficiency Lion's Roar Lochtonial Caress The Jinxed Juju Forbidden Taste Araku Tiki Witchfire Brew The Jinxed Juju Survival Instincts Crown of the Inward Eye Crown of the Inward Eye
One key difference that is immediately observable when looking at the All Levels bracket is how almost all of these uniques are squarely in the "leveling unique items" bracket. This is significantly different from Standard, where many of the unique items were certainly not your typical leveling uniques.
In the level 70+ bracket, Thread of Hope once again makes an appearance, one notch below Tabula Rasa. Given the difficulty of obtaining this jewel, it's reasonable to expect its use to be lower given there will likely be reduced availability, yet it is quite popular! Notable newcomers include Spreading Rot, Lioneye's Remorse, and Witchfire Brew, with two of those uniques being very useful to Essence Drain / Blight builds.
In the level 90+ bracket, we see Forbidden Taste coming into the picture. This flask is extremely useful for characters with very large life pools, allowing for instantaneous life recovery when it is most needed. Worthy mentions in this bracket are The Jinxed Juju (a commonly used unique in Spectre builds) as well as Crown of the Inward Eye, both of which do not show up in Standard.
Let's move on from trade leagues and take a look at how unique usage varies when players have to find their own uniques, starting with Harvest SSF Standard.
All Levels 70+ 90+ Tabula Rasa Tabula Rasa Thread of Hope Wanderlust Spreading Rot Atziri's Promise Spreading Rot Atziri's Promise Rumi's Concoction Goldrim Thread of Hope Cinderswallow Urn Assassin's Haste Conqueror's Efficiency Spreading Rot Survival Instincts Rumi's Concoction Lion's Roar Survival Secrets Lion's Roar Tabula Rasa Atziri's Promise Assassin's Haste Crown of the Inward Eye Karui Ward Cinderswallow Urn The Wise Oak Blackheart The Wise Oak Victario's Charity
One of the first things that you can see when going down the All Levels bracket is that Spreading Rot is quite popular. You'll recall that this didn't show up in non-SSF Harvest Standard, but likely shows up in SSF given that this is a quest reward in Act 5, therefore players can reliably make Essence Drain / Blight builds. We see a trio of quest reward jewels in Assassin's Haste, Survival Instincts and Survival Secrets here as well, with players making do with the readily-available options.
In the level 70+ bracket, Tabula Rasa and Spreading Rot remain very popular choices, as is expected. Impressively, Thread of Hope is relatively popular even in SSF leagues!
As we tighten things up by looking at the level 90+ bracket, one key difference is that Tabula Rasa actually sticks around, where in trade leagues, it was nowhere to be seen. This isn't overly surprising given the increased difficulty of obtaining a six-link when you can't trade, but interesting nonetheless. We do see Victario's Charity for the first time, suggesting that Minion builds are a popular choice in SSF leagues.
Finally, to wrap up unique statistics, we'll take a look at Harvest SSF Hardcore.
All Levels 70+ 90+ Tabula Rasa Tabula Rasa Spreading Rot Wanderlust Spreading Rot Thread of Hope Blackheart Lioneye's Remorse Lioneye's Remorse Goldrim Lion's Roar Tabula Rasa Karui Ward Thread of Hope Rumi's Concoction Lifesprig Bated Breath Lion's Roar Araku Tiki Conqueror's Efficiency Glorious Vanity Kaom's Sign First Snow Forbidden Taste Spreading Rot Belt of the Deceiver Soul Tether Lochtonial Caress Rumi's Concoction Bated Breath
We'll begin by looking at All Levels. If you recall the Harvest Hardcore stats, you'll note that the entirety of this list is identical with one exception; Spreading Rot shows up in place of Survival Instincts, another nod towards the reliability of Essence Drain / Blight builds.
In the level 70+ bracket, we see Bated Breath, First Snow and Belt of the Deceiver as newcomers. Bated Breath slots into any Energy Shield build quite well, while Belt of the Deceiver is a fantastic unique belt for life-based characters, providing ever-important life and resistances. First Snow is specific to Freezing Pulse builds, which is rather unexpected to see as one of the most popular choices, though given that this is also a quest reward and has a limit of two, it might explain its popularity.
Finally, in the level 90+ bracket, we don't see Watcher's Eye at all, where it was also missing in Harvest Standard as well. It's certainly a very powerful option, suggesting that acquisition of Watcher's Eyes is relatively difficult (both in terms of rarity and perhaps also encounter difficulty). The final newcomer here is Soul Tether, a relatively rare unique belt which allows Life Leech effects to not be removed when you reach Full Life.
Let's now take a look at the top 10 maps run.
- Glacier
- Tropical Island
- Promenade
- Lookout
- Desert
- Strand
- Burial Chambers
- Shore
- Toxic Sewer
- Chateau
We actually have a decent mix of "straight line" and "open" layouts in this set of data. Four of the top five most run maps are Tier 1 maps, though we do see Promenade, a Tier 16 map, as the third most run map; this is likely in part thanks to how reliably obtainable it is thanks to Orbs of Horizons. Notably, Burial Chambers is less popular than it's been in the past. We have an Atlas shuffle coming up in the 3.12.0 update, so it will be interesting to see how this shakes up in three months time!
To wrap this all up, let's take a look at the most deadly areas.
- Azurite Mine
- Eye of the Storm
- The Cavern of Anger
- The Harvest
- The Rotting Core
- The Chamber of Innocence
- The Feeding Trough
- The Belly of the Beast Level 2
- The Upper Sceptre of God
- The Karui Fortress
The Azurite Mine remains the most deadly area in the entire game, both thanks to how much time can be spent in the mine as well as the ever-increasing difficulty of encounters. Following that, we see that Sirus, Awakener of Worlds continues to claim plenty of victims (though unique statistics previously mentioned show that Sirus is also being killed quite a bit). The rest of the areas are all campaign areas, demonstrating the ruthlessness of many of the campaign bosses. Merveil (Act 1), Dominus (Act 3), Malachai (Act 4) and Innocence (Act 5) all appear to be difficult obstacles for some players, aided by how weak most players' gear is at this early point in the game. As is expected, Kitava (Act 10), the final hurdle before we own your soul, proves to be a commendable challenge.
That wraps up this fourth and final statistics post for the Harvest leagues. We hope that you've enjoyed this series and we look forward to watching how things unfold in our 3.12.0 update, which we'll have plenty of info and teasers for over the next few weeks!