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over 7 years ago - /u/Dan_GGG - Direct link

Now there's a name I haven't heard in years. Plague Retch. It's been a long time since that fateful day in 2015. Maybe too long... Would he even be interested in reprising his old role?

I wonder if he'll even have time in his busy schedule for us... or for me?

I guess you folks on Reddit never saw behind the scenes - the kind of friction that happens when you have an auteur like Plague Retch on the team.

We were younger back then. Full of passion. Each of us convinced we could change the world in our own way...

Things got more personal than we were willing to let on in the patch notes. Things were said that I didn't think either of us could take back. But maybe enough time has passed that we can both admit we let our creative visions get the better of us.

I still have his contact information. I always thought he'd call us before we called him, but I guess we never knew how much we needed him until he was gone. I never knew how much I needed him, until he was gone...

I'll do it, Blunderstab! I'll call him and I'll do whatever it takes to get him back. Because damn it, this expansion is bigger than both of us. Bigger than our petty differences, and our artistic temperaments.

For once this isn't about me and him. It's about art. It's about Path of Exile and the fact that letting him go was the biggest damn mistake I ever made.

Forgive me, Retch. I'm going to make this right.