almost 6 years ago - Einhar_GGG - Direct link

Do you know what today is, Exile? That’s right! It is the one-week anniversary of the slightly-more-than-a-year anniversary of me, Einhar! Did you know there is an Einhar-Themed Talent Competition right now? Many Exiles have already proved themselves to be worthy with impressive poems, wonderful art, and even music! The music was like music to Einhar’s ears! Here are just a few that Einhar particularly liked, but there are many, many other great creations, and plenty of time left to make your own!

'Do you not have NETS Exile?!' by ReaperMonkey21hike

You have captured Einhar’s combat pose masterfully, and without a net! I like to squat so I am always ready to jump. It is a lesson I learned when I was rounding up the baby rhoas. They love to nip Einhar’s ankles! It is OK! I like to nip their ankles too.

'Einhar, First of the Heart' by Sambodhi

I looooove this, Exile! Einhar looks like a mighty hero! Though I would not leap towards Saqawal so recklessly. I would sneak behind like a cat. I have practiced the technique for many hours with my best friend, Navali. She is very hard to catch!

'Einhar comes to Menagerie' by Kursed_one

Ohh, this makes me want to jump onto the Blood Altar and take on every beast at once! But squishing so many beasts into those cages is a lot of work, and they do not feel like fighting afterwards. Or moving.

'Einhar remembers!' by Madly500

It is called “Einhar Remembers!” but I do not remember this at all! Einhar has never stood on top of a giant tentacled brain monster. But I would now like to. You will tell Einhar if you see one, yes?

Fan Art by windymore

Great job, Exile! This looks like Einhar if Einhar was made of many tiny squares! One time I found a Chimeral with square scales, and I tried to make a picture just like this one! Except mine was only green and red and did not look anything like Einhar. Also I tried to eat the scales. It was crunchy like sand. I did not enjoy it.

I must go feed the snakes with the other snakes, but I will be back with more great creations soon! Bye bye!

almost 6 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
It's been only a week since the start of the Einhar-Themed Talent Competition, but some Exiles have already proved themselves to be worthy by submitting their entries! Today we'd like to showcase several of these submissions.

Check them out in this news post[].
almost 6 years ago - Einhar_GGG - Direct link

Oh, time is flying like many vultures around a delicious carcass! It is now the halfway point in Einhar's mighty talent contest! I have seen some truly impressive shows of talent, Exiles! So many that I must make you look at them! Right now! Here! And in case you've missed the previous highlights, you can examine them with your eyeballs and also one with your ear flaps here.

Fan Art by DasLewis

This is a confusing one, exile. But many things are confusing to Einhar! Why do rhoa spikes face the sides? Why do rhoas not charge sideways? It makes no sense! This one is confusing because there are three Einhars in the piece, but only one Einhar in life. How can that be? Perhaps there should be more Einhars in life. Just like the confusing rhoas, I love this artwork.

Fan Art by DorZa

What an unusual rhoa! This one does not even have spikes! Einhar feels this artwork is very worthy of admiration, or even praise! I would very much like to ride such a strange rhoa, though I do not believe it could support Einhar's mighty heft. I would not like to injure it by riding it. The First Ones do not look upon such sacrifices with pride.

'Nets and the Beasts' by batteryinfo

Exile, you must be a Hatungo like Einhar's best friend Navali. How else could you possibly know that two of my favourite things are nets and beasts? I also love surprises, and plans, and long walks through dark caves, and naps! But do not surprise Einhar during a nap, or I might grievously wound you! Hahaha!

'Einhar The Handsome' by blkzero

A year ago today we met Einhar Frey.
He said, "Hello, you have to know something special lurks this way."
Despite he wore a mask, we set out upon the task.
He said, "Get ready and stay steady, we'll have no time to bask."
Spoiler Then this odd master pulled out a bowcaster.
He said, "Ah-ha! At last! This one is fast but Einhar is faster."
The monster was nigh and its moves were sly.
He said, "I'm not a reviver, so be a survivor and don't die."
The hunt had ceased, we had downed the beast.
He said, "Grab a net but don't forget, the ritual before the feast."
With our prize in net and halter, we knew we could not falter.
He said, "Away we race to my secret place, 'The menagerie' and the altar."
It was Einhar's zoo but now what to do?
He said, "Chose those with might and prepare to fight, stupid you!"
With a roaring thud it was like a flood.
He said, "That was loud, now do the 'First Ones' proud and offer up the blood."
Rolling off our sword, we claimed our reward.
He said, "We had fun but now I'm done, to our next visit I look forward."
Before we took flight we extended the invite.
He said, "I love you so and now I know, you and Einhar are tight."
We portal down to my quaint hideout town.
He said, "This place is nice and new friends entice, Einhar will stick around."
Its a safe bet, Einhar is no threat.
He'd say, "You're welcome, goodbye!" And that's all you'd get.

A wonderful poem. What an interesting structure! This reminds me of a very memorable hunt. It was early in the morning and the sun had not yet risen. I woke to the sound of something large wandering through the woods. I found a trail of blood. It was so thick that I could not fathom what sort of beast made it! This was a first for Einhar. I followed the trail, and it turned out it was not a beast at all -- it was just blood! A big blob of blood was wandering through the forest. Very strange, yes? I had a great time hitting it with a large stick. Now I make sure to clean up all the blood after a ritual has been completed!

'The Ritual Is Complete' by Samalamage

Oh, this is a great example of one of Einhar's other favourite things -- rituals! But it looks like this one did not please the First Ones. Usually when I complete a ritual at the Blood Altar I am given a weapon, or shield, or orbs (I love orbs!!), but it seems this time the First Ones only gave me a spine. I have so many spines already! I guess it is lucky that I love them as well.

'Stupid Beast' by MichaelPersson

This one is both cute and spooky. It reminds me of my best friend Jun, who is also cute and spooky, except this is Einhar! When I look at it I feel almost hollow, but in a good way! Like an old ribcage full of rats, except the rats have left. Where did they go? It is a secret.

There are so many great submissions that I cannot possibly list them all. But do not fret, little Exiles! I will show you more of Einhar's favourites next week.

almost 6 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
We've reached the middle of the Einhar-Themed Talent Competition, and this means that you have less than two weeks left to submit your entry! In the meantime, we're continuing to showcase submissions from this competition, created by our talented community.

Check them out in this news post![]
almost 6 years ago - Einhar_GGG - Direct link

The end is near, Exiles. And by that, I mean the end of the Einhar Talent Competition! Also, the world! The competition ends Monday, April 29th at 5pm (NZDT (Nice Zana Dancing Time, which is only sometimes)), and the world ends--... I should not spoil it, but you should really consider entering this competition soon. Today we are looking at some more of my favourite submissions.

'Einhar Shows How to Extract Currency and Unique Stuff' by Kardalak_IX

I had to stop giving such anatomy lessons. Too many exiles were asking me where the part with the belt of heads is. Belt of heads? Einhar has never seen such a belt! What would you even want with such a belt? I heard a story about a man who kept another man’s head on his belt. It is not a healthy thing to do unless you need that head for health reasons, such as to ward off the enemies of the First Ones.

Wooden Einhar-Statue-Shrine by Murstiisback

This is a much nicer way to ward off the enemies of the First Ones. Even I would consider having such an idol in my home, except I would not want to confuse my friends! I think my best friend Niko would forget which one is the real Einhar and which one is made of wood! Maybe that is why he tried to light me on fire?

Einhar's Crossbow by BigHotPotato

A mighty weapon! Many people believe a weapon should drive your enemies into the shadows, but such a weapon is no good for hunting! Though it is only a replica, yours has already lured a terrifying beast from the night and into the arena of combat! Beware, Exile, for that one has the eyes of a killer.

Einhar Cosplay by Zeroxero

That is a very handsome costume, Exile. Almost as handsome as Einhar. It makes me long for a hunt with many friends! I used to go hunting alone (it is too dangerous for that now), and when I was tracking the beast, I would pretend I had a little Einhar next to me, watching and learning the ways of the First Ones. Maybe one day we will hunt together, and you will pretend to be a little Einhar, yes?

'The Harvest' by raziel79

It took many years to master the Blood Thaumaturgy that I use when I capture a beast. I could not even guess how many times I sent a Chimeral to my menagerie, only to find a lump of meat and bones when I returned. The secret is to not think! That is what makes Einhar such a great hunter! I can tell this mini-Einhar is not thinking at all!

Einhar Cake by Dreyll

It will surprise you to learn that Einhar has a sweet tooth. Or maybe a sweet beak? Haha! A wonderful joke. The last time I enjoyed a cake, I was still living in Oriath. I had given the local baker a hound jaw, although he did not ask for it. He also did not ask for the hound that was still attached! He was so pleased, he hurled many cakes at me. I have tried many times to recreate his recipe, but rhoa ooze is a poor substitute for honey.

Please remember to check back next week when I announce our mighty winners!

almost 6 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
It's the final week of our Einhar-Themed Talent Competition. The competition ends Monday, April 29th at 5pm (NZDT), so you have only a few days left to submit your work in order to have a chance of winning one of our awesome prizes! Today we're showcasing more submissions from participants.

Click here to check them out![]