7 months ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

There are two distinct things named "Far Shot" in the game.

"Far Shot" as a stat is an named keyword effect in the game, which has not changed. It's effect is "Projectile Attack Hits deal 20% less Damage to targets at the start of their movement, dealing up to 60% more Damage to targets as the projectile travels farther".
This is what Lioneye's Glare grants.

"Far Shot" is also the name of a notable passive skill on the Deadeye ascendancy tree.

Previously, the "Far Shot" passive skill granted the "Far Shot" named effect (as well as other stats). It listed this by having "Far Shot" in the text of stats it grants. This has now changed to no longer grant the "Far Shot" named effect, and instead grant a different effect that also scales damage with projectile distance, and is spelled out in full as it is not a keyword. This being a distinct effect means it will now stack with the actual "Far Shot" bonus if you have both.

The patch note for this change was:
" The Far Shot Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides "Far Shot". It instead now provides "Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up to 30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments".