I made a thread about this issue today and got more than 130 replies. Dozens of people said they have the recipes, but no one was able to prove it. The few people who did provide a screenshot were mistaken the recipes with the two/three linked socket recipes. Since absolutely no one I know or talked to has unlocked these recipes, I think it is safe to assume they are currently bugged/glitched (unless someone is able to provide a screenshot of them in Betrayal).
According to poeDB, they are definitely part of the game and recipes you get from Niko
(see here: https://poedb.tw/us/CraftingBenchOptions )
This has most likely something to do with the bugged delve quests. Many people suggested farming low level delves, but I did that for hours (and so did many other people) and no one got any of the recipes. Interesting to note is that everyone has the three socket recipe automatically unlocked in Standard, but not the two socket one. The 1color recipes (e.g. “at least one red socket”) seem to be missing as well. The other socket recipes (4-6 sockets) seem to appear normally.
Original Thread:
Edit: the same thing that happened in my last thread is happening again: dozens of people say they have the crafts when, in fact, they don't. I am reffering to "Two Sockets" and "Three Sockets", NOT "Two Linked Sockets", "Three Linked Sockets" or "Two Socket Colours". If your recipe does not literally say "TWO SOCKETS" or "THREE SOCKETS", you are talking about a different recipe.
Edit2: if you still don't know what I'm talking about, check /u/JeffDEEtv 's response here: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/a4qqp9/psa_it_is_currently_impossible_to_obtain_voricis/ebheox6/
Edit3: Sigh. There are still people posting every few minutes that they have the recipes. If the recipes were actually in the game and only a few chosen redditors got them, it would make the recipe the rarest recipe in the history of poe, maybe ever. Since we still haven’t seen a screenshot of the recipes (and I’m sure we would have seen one by now if they actually existed), it is safe to say that THEY ARE CURRENTLY NOT OBTAINABLE IN BETRAYAL.
Edit4: more and more people are suggesting that this is working as intended and not a bug. I already commented on a few of these comments, but I want to make it as clear as possible so I post it here as well. The fact that the 2 and the 3 socket recipes are datamined on poeDB (check the link above) as crafts you get from Niko COMBINED with the fact that the 3 socket recipe is actually unlocked in Standard clearly show that these recipes are intended to be in the game. Also, keep in mind that the 1 color recipes (e.g. "At Least One Green Sockets") are currently not in the game either, but the 2 color recipes are (e.g. "At Least Two Green Sockets "). This further indicates that low level delve recipes are unobtainable.
They were intended to be available as the first recipe, this’ll be fixed soon! We just have to test my fix to make sure it didn’t make something else worse. If you have the two colour recipe now you’ll automatically have ‘em unlocked so you don’t have to go back!