over 4 years
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Shortly after the launch of Harvest, we indicated what you should expect from our ongoing development this year. We now have dates scheduled for our next expansion announcement/launch and want to keep you in the loop about what to expect and when.
We normally operate on a 13 week schedule, allowing us to release four expansions a year in March, June, September and December. It took 14 weeks to develop Harvest due to the limitations of working from home and as we indicated in the post linked above, this meant we would need one of our expansions to be developed in just 12 weeks to make up for that lost time.
Our intention was to develop our 3.12 expansion on this 12 week timeline but due to the ambitious scope of the league, we feel it is a lot safer to consume a 13th week. So while this isn't technically a deviation from our normal timeline, it's slightly later than we originally indicated.
With this in mind, our current plan is to announce 3.12 on September 1 with its launch happening on September 18 for PC and September 23 for console (PDT). Please note that these dates are still subject to some change and we advise against booking time off until our expansion announcement confirms the launch date. We are aware that many employers require more notice than this but we are very hesitant to encourage booking time off until things are more firmly in place.
This means that Harvest will end on September 14 at 3pm (PDT). We don't have any end-of-league events planned between now and the launch of 3.12 as we want to keep all of our resources focused on 3.12 and Path of Exile 2 but you may see some community-run events pop up.
We plan to start development of 3.13 before 3.12 is finished so that we can comfortably meet our Christmas deadline for that one.
We are particularly excited about our 3.12 expansion. There is a fair amount of internal buzz about the ways in which it differs to existing core content. That's all we can say for now without revealing all of our plans and schemes.