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At the end of last week we announced upcoming changes to Synthesis. Since then the team has been vigilantly working on the 3.6.3 update, which we are planning to deploy by this Friday (New Zealand time). In the meantime, check out a preview of its patch notes in this news post! Please note that the final patch notes may be changed prior to the release of the 3.6.3 update.
When patch 3.6.3 deploys, any Memories that have more than five Memory Modifiers will be reduced to only having five Memory Modifiers. This is because Memories are being changed to have a maximum of five Memory Modifiers.
Synthesis Fixes
- You can now return Placed Memories to your queue. Doing so removes any Memory Modifiers applied to it and destroys the underlying Memory Amplifier if it is placed on one.
- You can now move Placed Memories in the Memory Nexus. To do so, click on a Memory Stabiliser, then click on a Placed Memory that you wish to connect to your current location.
- Moving a Memory which is placed on a Memory Amplifier will destroy the Memory Amplifier.
- Distant Memories now have a chance to generate when you acquire a new Fragmented Memory, rather than when you place one. This should prevent Distant Memories from interrupting planned journeys through the Memory Void.
- When reaching the reward platform in a Distant Memory, your checkpoint is now saved there and a portal back to the entrance of the area is created. You can then freely roam the area with the assurance of being able to get back to the reward platform, while still being able to return to the entrance afterwards.
- Slightly reduced the rate of Decay in Distant Memories.
- Synthesis Boss encounters now drop a Fractured item with three implicits, with a chance to drop multiple. The Cortex Boss encounter now drops three Fractured items with three implicits, with a chance to drop more.
- Rebalanced rewards from Distant Memories and the chances of each type of Distant Memory appearing.
- Generic, Jewellery, Armour and Weapon Distant Memories now always contain chests which drop Fractured Items of the associated type.
- Chests which contain Fractured Items now have a chance to drop Fractured Items with two Fractured Mods.
- Memories placed in the Memory Nexus can now only be affected by up to five Memory Modifiers. Rebalanced Memory Modifiers as a result of the new maximum. Any existing Memories that had more than 5 Memory Modifiers applied to them have been reduced to meet the new maximum.
- Memory Modifiers are no longer applied to all Memories in sequence. Memory Modifiers are now applied to a chosen Memory as well as all Memories which are adjacent to that Memory.
- Disabled the "Grants an additional Global Mod to Memories connected in a sequence to the Memory placed on this location" Memory Amplifier due to changes to how Memory Modifiers are applied.
- Added a Synthesis Map Info panel to the Memory Map which displays various current and maximum values for objects within the Memory Void.
- Breaches and Abysses can now spawn in non-Decaying Level 68+ Memories.
- All Synthesised Monsters can now drop Maps, rather than just the Rare Synthesised Monsters.
- Fractured Items now drop from all Memory Nexus areas, rather than just Decaying areas.
- Synthesis Stash chests now have labels which are always visible.
- You can now return to your hideout by using /hideout while in the Memory Nexus.
- Added subtle audio when removing a Memory from your Memory Map.
- Updated the audio used in Synthesis Boss Encounters.
- Clicking a Memory Stabiliser that isn't the first or last in a Fragmented Memory no longer temporarily pauses the Decay's expansion as it was causing desync. Slowed the rate of Decay in Fragmented Memories with 3 or 4 bridges.
- Walking near a Memory Stabiliser in a Fragmented Memory no longer causes items to be pulled to that location. This fixes an issue introduced in 3.6.2 where items would sometimes not be dropped near Cavas or Zana at the completion of a Fragmented Memory.
- Adjusted the minimum number of modifiers that a Fragmented Memory can have based on its level. Higher level areas have higher minimum modifier values.
- Increased the chances of encountering three- and four-bridged memories.
- Fragmented Memories which contain 2 bridges are now equally likely to contain Straight bridges as they are to contain Corner bridges.
- Added new Fragmented Memory tilesets.
- The Templar Laboratory Memory can no longer generate in Zana missions.
- Barrels spawned by Sextant modifiers can no longer spawn in Fragmented Memories.
- Reduced the range at which monsters that are close to the Memory Stabiliser at the entrance of a Memory will attack players.
- Reduced the difficulty of the Synthesis Tutorial Fragmented Memory.
- Spoken dialogue now ends when you leave a Memory Fragment.
- Fixed a bug where Pack Size modifiers were not applying correctly to areas in the Memory Nexus.
- Fixed a bug where small- and medium-sized memories contained more monsters than intended. Along with the Pack Size modifiers being corrected, this should result in slightly fewer monsters in small memories, approximately the same number in medium sized memories, and a greater number of monsters in large memories. Small-sized memories stop appearing at area level 51+.
- Fixed various cases where not enough spawn points existed for monster packs within Memories. This sometimes resulted in fewer monsters being spawned than intended.
- Fixed a bug where Boss Encounter areas did not have the displayed modifiers applied to them.
- Fixed a bug where a death penalty was not applied if you died in a placed Memory. The amount of experience lost is based on the area level of the Memory.
- Fixed a bug where a Memory Stabiliser could sometimes display "Decay starts on Interaction" in an already-Decayed Memory.
- Fixed a bug where a portal to the Memory Nexus could sometimes not be created when interacting with a Memory Stabiliser.
- Fixed a bug where the "Return to Nexus" button would display when the Memory Map is opened by interacting with Zana.
- Fixed multiple bugs caused by not speaking to Cavas before the Templar Laboratory Memory. This includes issues with the incorrect dialogue playing during Fragmented Memories.
- Fixed a bug where non-Decaying Memories had Decay with a light blue edge, indicating that the Decay would move. They will now correctly have Decay with a dark blue edge.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Challenge Panel from being viewed while you had the Memory Map open.
- Fixed a bug where the Paradise Memory didn't display the correct art when in a Planned state.
- Fixed a bug where areas affected by Monstrous Treasure failed to spawn any monsters or strongboxes in Fragmented Memories.
- Cavas or Zana will now have an indicator above their heads if they have extra information at the end of a 4-bridge Fragmented Memory.
- Fixed a bug where Zana mission objectives (such as "Slay the Beyond boss") could spawn inside of a Fragmented Memory.
- Fixed a bug where the "Curse Enemies with Level 5 Elemental Weakness on Hit" Synthesis Implicit could not be obtained.
Miscellaneous Fixes
- You can now see a list of Undiscovered Veiled modifier crafting recipes on the Crafting Bench panel.
- Prophecies can no longer trigger when entering Zana mission areas.
- The Monstrous Treasure prophecy can now affect areas which contain Alva. Monsters within the Incursion areas are unaffected.
- Fixed a bug where the Mastermind could spawn as a Betrayal Target.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented opening a Safehouse in your Hideout.
- Fixed a bug where Safehouse portals could fail to be created if you had left the area before they finished opening.
- Fixed a bug where Divine Ire, Storm Burst and Lightning Tendrils were unable to generate multiple Frenzy, Power or Endurance Charges per cast while channelling.
- Fixed a bug where some players which owned the Sunspire or Doomguard Hideouts had their Hideout selection removed, causing it to appear as if they had lost their Hideout.
- Fixed a bug where some trees, including those found in Lava Lake Map, were not fading out correctly.
- Fixed a client crash.
We're aiming to release the 3.6.3 update for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as soon as possible after its release on PC.