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On the morning of Saturday November 16th (New Zealand time), we're kicking off our ExileCon convention with a livestreamed keynote presentation that will announce several large expansions such as 3.9.0 (December 2019) and 4.0.0 (approximately December 2020). This livestream will be a must-watch event for Path of Exile fans, regardless of whether they're attending the convention or not. We'll update this news post with additional information as it becomes available.
When is the Livestream?
The presentation officially starts at 10am New Zealand time on Saturday November 16th. This is early afternoon in America on Friday November 15th, and late in the evening in Europe that day. We're likely to start a pre-show with streamer speculation around an hour before the presentation officially begins.In your local timezone, the main presentation will begin at: Nov 15, 2019 4:00 PM (EST)
How long will it run for?
The main keynote presentation is around an hour in length, and will be followed with other content throughout the two days (see below).How can I watch it?
We'll be streaming it on our official Twitch channel www.twitch.tv/pathofexile and are investigating other streaming platforms also.What will be announced?
During the keynote presentation, we plan to announce several in-development projects such as the 3.9.0 expansion and 4.0.0 mega-expansion, with gameplay footage. We'll dive into the new content and systems being introduced by these two large expansions.What else is being streamed from ExileCon?
Aside from the keynote announcement presentation, we have a busy streaming schedule across two days and are planning to stream content like:- Dedicated talks that dive deeply into the contents of both 3.9.0 and 4.0.0, in more detail than the keynote.
- A live gameplay demo of some 4.0.0 content.
- Prominent community streamers hosting panels and interviewing developers (schedule to be announced in the coming weeks)
- The ExileCon racing finale, where four top racers from our community compete for prizes.
Will you be running Twitch Drops during the livestream?
We would like to and are working on setting this up. Once we have worked out the details, we will update this post. We expect it will work with PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Path of Exile accounts.What if I can't watch the livestream as it happens? Will a video of it be posted afterwards?
Yes. We'll post information about where to find it closer to the event.Will announcement pages for the new expansions be released as usual?
Yes, as soon as they are announced on the stream.Can I Co-stream the Livestream?
Absolutely. Anyone may co-stream ExileCon content that is broadcast on www.twitch.tv/pathofexile.Can I still get tickets to attend ExileCon in person?
Absolutely. There are still tickets available for purchase on www.pathofexile.com/exilecon if you want to fly to New Zealand to attend the convention.Please note that New Zealand has just introduced a system where you must apply for an "NZeTA" online before arriving in the country. As far as we can see, almost all ExileCon visitors from overseas must apply for one. We recommend doing this as soon as possible. Thankfully, the process does not look difficult. Full details and the application form are on this page.
So, regardless of whether you're attending in person or watching from home, we look forward to showing you what we've been working on in just over five weeks!