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Wave of Conviction is a new Level 16 skill that sends out a cone of force

A wave is a progression while a cone is a full shape

A wave can end up being a cone but only if each subsequent wave remain in the pattern. If they dont, its not a cone its a cone shaped wave progression.

For example:

  • ground slam is a wave that end being a cone since the first wave and the last wave are stay up till the end


  • Shrapnel shot and Ice shot actually have cone shaped pattern

In the video of Wave of Conviction, its clearly a Cone shaped wave rather than a cone as mentioned in the description since its a single line moving forward


In the end all 3 have a different effect both is space and time.

  • a Cone will hit everything at once

  • a wave will hit everything once

  • and Cone Shaping Wave hits everything gradually and potentially more than once

Dont worry haha im not saying this to say "GGG BAD!" or nitpicking lol im just saying this because i like rectitude and using the right terms because it can change everything when theorycrafting , hope i helps :)

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about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

You're assigning your own meaning to those terms which is not inherent in their definition.

Leaving aside that the correct term for this shape is a sector (a cone is exclusively a three-dimensional shape, not two-dimensional), since I've already lost the office fight for correct geometric terminology; areas in the game are defined by their shape -they frequently spread the damage to things in that shape out over time, and that doesn't change what the shape is.

Ice Nova's damage is still dealt a circular area, even though it doesn't deal all that damage at the same time, but spaces it out based on distance from the player.

The damage pattern of Ground Slam is directly equivalent to this skill - you seem to be trying to draw a distinction entirely based on visuals (the fact that the spikes at one end of the damage area are still visible at the same time as those at the other), which is not at all how anything in the game is or will be defined, because those have no bearing on the gameplay and indeed could be entirely different on a microtransaction version of the same skill. Both these skills deal damage to things in a sector cone shaped area, and both deal that damage at different times based on how far from the player each enemy is.

If I walk in a square pattern, it's not wrong to call that a square just because I wasn't at every point around the square at the same time.