over 3 years
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You have misunderstood something. Vaal Double Strike summons two doubles each use, and can store enough souls for two uses. This has not changed since 3.3.0. The skill description in your screenshot even specifies this behaviour. This is not a bug.
The line you have circled is the maximum number of doubles you can have summoned at a time. It does not make the skill summon that many from a single use of the skill, it prevents you from having more than 8 doubles if you're able to re-use the skill more than four times in quick succession.
The line you have circled is the maximum number of doubles you can have summoned at a time. It does not make the skill summon that many from a single use of the skill, it prevents you from having more than 8 doubles if you're able to re-use the skill more than four times in quick succession.