over 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

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Among the many new Veiled mods coming in the Betrayal league are those that introduce the new Focus skill, a new cooldown skill that is customisable by your items.

Focus is a new instant cast skill that gives you a buff for a fixed 4 seconds when used and has a 12 second cooldown. The buff has no effect by itself, but there are a large number of veiled modifiers that grant effects while Focussed. When you have any of these modifiers, you can then bind the Focus skill on your skill bar.

You can find Focus modifiers as one of the options when you unveil an item. Here are some examples of Focus modifiers:

All of these modifiers are craftable after being unveiled, letting you keep using an effect you enjoy on any new items you find, or crafting multiple items to combine effects that turn your Focus skill into a very powerful buff.

You'll always be given other options when unveiling a Focus mod, so you don't have to use the Focus system if it doesn't fit with your build.

over 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Among the many new Veiled mods coming in the Betrayal league are those that introduce the new Focus skill, a new cooldown skill that is customisable by your items.

Click here to read more.[www.pathofexile.com]