@bexchangewords BEX PLZ
@bexchangewords BEX PLZ
Looking to become a Community Manager? Take my hand friend, I've written up some advice for you!… https://t.co/mIm0lzeNJL
@bexchangewords https://t.co/wydiP36kHB
@bexchangewords Good luck GGG for a great launch! We believe in you!
@LucidityLedah @bexchangewords i was just gonna say they're insane for launching huge updates on fridays!
@bexchangewords So you're teasing us with when you'll be teasing.
@bexchangewords is there any chance to change atlas tiers ? I read something like that .Is it true or ?
@bexchangewords Hey, i wanted to thank you for starting this league 2 hours earlier than usual. Please tell your co… https://t.co/lRZbyGenQl
@bexchangewords you mentioned possible atlas changes before, can you say whether that idea has moved forward or if… https://t.co/myc6iKuFQf
The next baeclast analysing all the announcement news and predicting the upcoiming 3.5 meta will be TUESDAY at 5pm… https://t.co/Xnhmpc6R3d
@bexchangewords have a tweet that isn't a request for patch notes https://t.co/azUkiTXpnx
@bexchangewords Thanks for the hype work you've been doing in prep for the new league. Picked up the subjugator pac… https://t.co/muvJwG326Y
@bexchangewords My Account got locked while buying the supporter pack.. which E-Mail should i contact?
@bexchangewords Any idea if a skill effect sale is gonna happen soon? Dying to buy some skill effects, but the non… https://t.co/DC3GSpwEoC
@bexchangewords Yo Bex gunna need u to do us a solid & use your powers at @pathofexile to get bleed's buffed for be… https://t.co/l3r5l10E5u
@bexchangewords Nooooo!!!
@bexchangewords happens to often with my phone and glasses.
@bexchangewords Hey! When is the manifesto?
@bexchangewords Hey Bex, whens the balance manifesto? You rock btw :D
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
@bexchangewords Can you give us like. Ever a rough time of day? I need to know for reasons.
you’re = you are your = belongs to you You’re welcome
@bexchangewords Are the skill tree changes released at the same time typically?
@bexchangewords patch notes when?
@bexchangewords This is Bex when the patch notes are out! https://t.co/uWpaKed8qK
@bexchangewords That and how to deal with being poor all the time.
@bexchangewords aren't you tired of not showing us the patch notes?
@bexchangewords Can you post a countdown for the patch notes when you know for certain when they will be released?
@bexchangewords To be fair, when I'm tired it's usually because I stayed up playing PoE for too long.
@bexchangewords Introduce mandatory nap time in all schools!
@bexchangewords Just need to implant some copper wires into your eyelids. Whenever they touch for longer than 5 sec… https://t.co/0pF6nlChZX
@pathofexile @bexchangewords Was looking for something to spend my amazon gift card on and saw there were POE point… https://t.co/oxvoUabpDD
@bexchangewords In the States, we learned about that in Kindergarten, its called nap time ;)
@bexchangewords On a more serious note btw, Instead of sleeping 6-8 hours in one block i currently do 3x1.5 hours… https://t.co/fct5jU9efa
@pathofexile Leaked sorry I couldn't keep it quiet https://t.co/5anwhTBtgG
@bexchangewords oh, hey, I just followed!
@bexchangewords anyone who memes as hard as you deserves followers on the meme-net. Also your poor feed just mus… https://t.co/0beKF6KnxC
@bexchangewords Simply put, the community appreciates how interactive you have been and other then Chris, you're re… https://t.co/woQBssDeF4
What the actual heck? I just hit 10k followers. This feels so surreal and weird. Thank you all so much for sticking… https://t.co/HYZe0VhvNP
@bexchangewords Bex, you are mildly adequate https://t.co/TnhljDZqyB
@bexchangewords @Zizaran How about Darude? https://t.co/VuiJM7VPXX
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PATCH NOTES PLEASE @bexchangewords @pathofexile ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@bexchangewords @pathofexile What is this? https://t.co/g9bevSFSbb
Had a good time reading patchnotes today and stole @bexchangewords hitting 10k follower tweet. Thanks everyone for… https://t.co/8ylNW4kBbE
@bexchangewords https://t.co/a9KhC88gWN