about 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're celebrating the launch of the Synthesis League by releasing a new Brimmed Hat! Designed in a classic wizardly style, the Synthesis Brimmed Hat is adorned with golden ornaments that matches the theme of the Synthesis League. The Synthesis Brimmed Hat will only be available during the current league and won't appear in the shop again in the future. Don't miss it if you want to show your support to a specific development period of Path of Exile! Check out the video below or get yours here!

Thank you for your support!

about 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We're celebrating the launch of the Synthesis League by releasing a new Brimmed Hat! Designed in a classic wizardly style, the Synthesis Brimmed Hat is adorned with golden ornaments that matches the theme of the Synthesis League. The Synthesis Brimmed Hat will only be available during the current league and won't appear in the shop again in the future. Don't miss it if you want to show your support to a specific development period of Path of Exile!

Click here to check it out![www.pathofexile.com]