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.posttable th { font-weight: bold; } .posttable td, .posttable th{ border: 1px solid #111 !important; padding: 2px !important; background: #000; text-align: center; }We're currently in the 11th week of Delirium league and thought that now would be a great time to take a look at some statistics.
We'll start by examining unique item usage. First, let's look at all character levels.
Top 10 Uniques (All levels)
- Tabula Rasa
- Survival Instincts
- Perandus Blazon
- Atziri's Promise
- Watcher's Eye
- Lion's Roar
- Rumi's Concoction
- Fevered Mind
- Voices
- Goldrim
As you can see, Tabula Rasa is the most-used unique when we look at all character levels. If we compare back to Legion league (which was the last time we publicly showed similar stats), we can see that this was the case then as well. Many of the uniques in this list are leveling uniques, though we do see some endgame uniques in here, primarily Watcher's Eye and Voices. Notably, Watcher's Eye didn't make it into the top ten in Legion league.
Now let's take a look at unique usage for characters under level 70.
Top 10 Uniques - Level <70
- Tabula Rasa
- Survival Instincts
- Wanderlust
- Goldrim
- Blackheart
- Karui Ward
- Lifesprig
- Wurm's Molt
- Kaom's Sign
- Lochtonial Caress
As one would expect, all of these items are generally considered to be leveling uniques. If you're ever unsure as to what uniques would be useful for leveling, look no further! Wurm's Molt makes a showing thanks to its leech modifiers (in particular, mana leech). Lochtonial Caress is a great source of charge generation, while Goldrim provides much needed resistances for the leveling process.
Now, let's see how this list looks as we tighten up the restrictions, looking at all characters that are level 70+.
Top 10 Uniques - Level 70+
- Tabula Rasa
- Atziri's Promise
- Perandus Blazon
- Watcher's Eye
- Lion's Roar
- Rumi's Concoction
- Survival Instincts
- Fevered Mind
- Voices
- Rotgut
Tabula Rasa continues to be the leading body armour choice here, thanks to the easy access to 6-linked sockets. Now that players are able to use it, Atziri's Promise is a universally useful choice, granting extra damage to both attack and spell builds. We start to see Voices make a showing here, which you'll soon see becomes an even more popular choice as we look at higher level characters.
Finally, we'll take a look at high level characters and see how their gear choices differ from the level 70+ bracket.
Top 10 Uniques - Level 90+
- Watcher's Eye
- Voices
- Atziri's Promise
- Fevered Mind
- Lion's Roar
- Cinderswallow Urn
- Split Personality
- Rumi's Concoction
- Call of the Brotherhood
- Prism Guardian
Watcher's Eye reigns supreme. This isn't a huge surprise, especially given how many builds a Watcher's Eye can slot into. We see that Voices has become much more popular in this bracket compared to when we included level 70+ characters. Atziri's Promise becomes slightly less popular, though still remains the third most used unique, again, thanks to its flexibility to fit into a wide assortment of builds. Newcomers in this very endgame bracket include Call of the Brotherhood and Prism Guardian (a staple for characters wanting to reserve additional auras).
Moving on to looking at some Map statistics, let's first look at the top-ten maps based on the number of times they were run.
Top Ten Maps by Number Run
AreaNumber of Runs Beach17,648,116Jungle Valley14,777,282Pier13,464,286Wharf13,442,293Strand11,913,135Burial Chambers10,658,283Alleyways6,883,947Underground Sea5,976,159Promenade5,218,652Fungal Hollow4,945,618
One of the most interesting takeaways from this is how almost all of these maps have one thing in common; they're linear. It's quite cool to see that the league mechanic is clearly influencing player choice, especially when you contrast this list to that from Legion league, where many of the maps were more spacious and wide-open. One thing to note here is that the top four maps happen to be the innermost Tier 1 maps on the Atlas, therefore they'll have been run by almost all players as they progress their Atlas. There's a very large dropoff between Burial Chambers and Alleyways here.
Now, let's look at the top-ten most-deadly areas (based on number of character deaths).
Top Ten Areas by Deaths
AreaDeaths The Cavern of Anger12,017,243The Karui Fortress9,301,367The Harvest8,096,858The Belly of the Beast Level 28,003,605The Chamber of Innocence6,540,721Beach6,317,491Azurite Mine6,267,286The Blood Aqueduct6,162,409The High Gardens5,870,453The Rotting Core5,714,269
We see a lot of campaign areas popping up here as the most deadly; in particular, Merveil appears to be quite lethal. Many campaign bosses received significant buffs in 3.9.0, and the impact of those changes is very evident in just how many players are getting mercilessly slaughtered by them. In Legion, we saw six map areas in this list, but in Delirium, we only see one. Beach is the most-deadly map, though much of that can be explained by the fact that it is one of the first maps players will run on the Atlas, fresh off the back of a resistance penalty, and up against an elemental-damage-dealing boss. The Azurite Mine makes another showing (as it did in Legion), though is slightly less deadly (relatively speaking) thanks to the campaign areas above it.
This set of statistics has been fascinating to look at, particularly how much of the unique usage is represented by endgame uniques, rather than having quite a few leveling uniques in the list (as Legion league did). Seeing how Delirium has affected players map choice has been intriguing as well as the impact of the 3.9.0 campaign boss buffs. We will keep an eye on how things unfold in the next league and will certainly keep you posted!