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Every league we look at a range of statistics generated by Path of Exile players. These stats help us in a variety of ways to develop the future of Path of Exile, but we also just think they're interesting! Today we're revealing a wide range of different stats we've been tracking during the Betrayal league.
.posttable th { font-weight: bold; } .posttable td, .posttable th{ text-align: center; border: 1px solid #111 !important; padding: 2px !important; background: #000; } All Betrayal Leagues Level 70+ Elementalist17.62%Hierophant12.51%Juggernaut8.14%Saboteur7.39%Occultist6.88%Ascendant6.86%Necromancer5.95%Deadeye4.31%Champion4.15%Assassin3.94%Pathfinder3.67%Chieftain3.37%Raider2.26%Slayer2.10%Inquisitor2.10%Trickster2.07%Guardian1.99%Gladiator1.97%Witch1.60%Berserker0.58%Ranger0.15%Shadow0.14%Templar0.13%Duelist0.04%Marauder0.04%Scion0.02%
Compared to Delve, the class breakdown for characters above level 70 in Betrayal is significantly more skewed. Arc's power, and the introduction of the Brand skills, have bolstered the popularity of spellcasting during this league. Of particular note is the presence of three times as many unascended Witches as Berserkers.
All Betrayal Leagues Level 90+ Elementalist19.501%Saboteur9.982%Juggernaut9.684%Occultist9.639%Ascendant9.197%Hierophant8.510%Assassin4.862%Deadeye4.587%Necromancer4.507%Champion3.769%Pathfinder2.818%Chieftain2.345%Inquisitor1.907%Gladiator1.817%Guardian1.783%Slayer1.673%Trickster1.642%Raider1.488%Berserker0.248%Witch0.015%Shadow0.006%Marauder0.006%Templar0.005%Scion0.004%Duelist0.003%Ranger0.002%
At the lofty Level 90+ range, with the exception of the Elementalist's absolute dominance, the class balance is looking healthier - at least among spellcasters. Melee and even bow users drift farther down the list. Let's see how the Hardcore ruleset affects this:
Hardcore only Betrayal Leagues 90+ Occultist17.853%Elementalist14.249%Juggernaut12.456%Saboteur11.267%Ascendant8.336%Hierophant6.552%Gladiator4.802%Necromancer4.794%Guardian3.831%Champion3.000%Deadeye2.309%Trickster2.178%Chieftain2.064%Pathfinder1.776%Inquisitor1.470%Slayer1.076%Assassin0.936%Raider0.831%Berserker0.175%Templar0.009%Duelist0.009%Scion0.009%Witch0.009%Marauder0.009%
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Occultist's capacity to mitigate damage has pushed it above the Elementalist. The Juggernaut and Saboteur are not far behind, though fragile classes are farther pushed to the bottom. For reference, the Juggernaut was the most popular Hardcore class in Delve, at 16.37%, followed by the Pathfinder at 9.89%.
SSF on Betrayal Leagues 90+ Elementalist24.399%Saboteur15.465%Occultist13.655%Hierophant12.403%Juggernaut4.518%Ascendant4.162%Trickster3.892%Necromancer3.316%Champion3.046%Gladiator2.657%Chieftain2.504%Inquisitor2.369%Pathfinder1.591%Deadeye1.557%Assassin1.201%Slayer1.049%Guardian0.931%Raider0.931%Berserker0.288%Witch0.034%Templar0.017%Scion0.017%
In SSF leagues, the Elementalist's dominance is unquestionable; just under a quarter of all characters in SSF leagues are Elementalists! In fact, more than 40% of SSF characters are some sort of Witch!
Top ten most-deadly areas:
- Vaal Temple
- Trial of Burning Rage
- Core
- Forge of the Phoenix
- Lair of the Hydra
- Maze of the Minotaur
- Trial of Stinging Doubt
- Hallowed Ground
- Pillars of Arun
- Pit of the Chimera
It's important to note that these areas are the most deadly proportionally to the number of instances created. There are certainly some surprises in here! We weren't expecting to see any Labyrinth trials, let alone two. It's nice to see that a lot of the content we've pitched as dangerous is, in fact, dangerous.
Top ten most-run maps:
- Atoll
- Iceberg
- Arid Lake
- Channel
- Graveyard
- Armoury
- Ramparts
- Thicket
- Pen
- Flooded Mine
As we'd expect, the most run maps are low-tier. Atoll's narrow, predictable layout makes for a great map to run if you have a few minutes, and Iceberg is on theme for a northern hemisphere holiday season (we prefer Beach), as well as being the source of a particularly desirable hideout.
Time spent in type of content Campaign37.14% (Includes towns)Hideout30.52%Maps24.09%Delve4.84%Other3.41% (Includes Incursions, Abyss areas, PVP and other special areas)
The hideout overhaul was not in vain! Players spend nearly as much time in their (very well decorated) hideouts as they do in the campaign, and more than they spend in maps! Given that going to your hideout is almost a prerequisite for each map you run, this is understandable. It was interesting to learn that, despite the drop in Sulphite frequency, players still spend about a fifth of the time they spend in maps in the Azurite mine.
We're out of stats now, so what have we learned? There's a pretty good chance that if you randomly select a character online, it is an Elementalist in their hideout, and you have a better chance of finding a stack of Exalted Orbs than finding a Berserker in the Temple of Atzoatl.