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Since 2003, The British Academy of Film and Television Arts have included Games alongside Film and Television in their annual award ceremonies. This year, Path of Exile was nominated in the Evolving Game category, alongside Apex Legends, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Fortnite and No Man's Sky. We are incredibly proud to announce that Path of Exile won the 2020 BAFTA award for Evolving Game.
It's such an honour to win this prestigious award. Jonathan, Erik and I are so proud of Path of Exile's entire development team and what we have achieved together. We'd like to especially thank our entire community for their support. The Evolution in Evolving Game comes from your feedback and encouragement over the years.
The pinnacle of our game's evolution is our vision for Path of Exile 2, and we can't wait until the next time we reveal more of what we have planned.