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Tane inside of the ritual circle, I can't click to start the event, also can't move tane around because metamorph is dead, killed it while inside of circle too, merveil also up's there, not sure if might be her the cause of the bug... if you notice, there's also 1 left monster on the map, I can guarantee there's no more enemies on this map, so I have no idea what to do, there's stuffs to defer and also to reveal and I can't because of low tribute value... need to complete this last ritual in order to save some good stuffs I got there. What to do??


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about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

This looks like it may be related to the issue where the Maven prevents Rituals near the map boss from working. We don't have any updates on a fix for this just yet but are working on it.