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Three weeks ago we revealed photos of our temporary workplaces. Since this news post was so warmly received by our community, we felt our current work situation could be a nice opportunity for you to get to know our team a little bit more. Recently we asked our developers to share pictures of their pets! Check them out below.
Alex D. - Programmer
Here's my brothers' retired champion greyhound who I live with.

Ben - UI Programmer
These are our Australorp Chickens! From top left is Turkey, Moo and Floss.

Jowie - Senior Concept Artist
This is Bikkie. Cam and I actually found her stray outside GGG!

Dominic - Audio Engineer
Here's our flat pet, Bonzai! He is a Siberian Husky and his Instagram is @Bonzai_The_Husky.

Samantha - Executive Assistant
Foreground: Cerberus, Background: Gizmo.

Zak - Junior Visual Effects Artist
His name is Chilli.

Fabian - Environment Artist
I have too many animals, so I've placed them into a couple of collages. Their names in order are from top left to bottom right: Boofy, Blue, Cas, Cuddle Guy, Splay, Smitty, Potato, Parry & His minion.

Paul - Web Developer
Name: Walter. Breed: Senegal Parrot

Patrick - Customer Support
Here are a few photos of my cat Harry (Harriet). She was my grandmother's cat and we adopted her after she passed.

Melissa - QA
Name: Snowey. Breed: Schnauzer mix.

Tim - QA
This is Ivy and Esmay, two of the cats who bother me all day. I'm not sure on the exact breed, I just know they're some type of siamese.

Kane - Senior Audio Engineer
Our cat is quite a character. His name is Malchik which means ‘boy’ in Russian, as my wife is Russian and I liked the sound of it. He loves to invade our bed and sleep in ridiculous poses. Since lockdown he has been following us around all day, confused why the heck we are home 24/7.

Kieren - Producer
This is Muffin, she's a 10 year old Birman.

Rieko - Web Developer
Name: Tiger. Breed: Selkirk Rex
Sean - Programmer
Here's Kitty (yeah we somehow ended calling our cat Kitty).

Kamil - Composer
Misiu - our cat, probably half British, half "regular". He just came to us one day (3 years ago or so) and decided to stay.

Rachel - QA
Mister: Came-out-from-under-the-house-and-stayed-forever (short haired). Monster: Destroyer-of-curtains-and-furniture (long haired). Luna: Japanese Spitz.

Mandeep - Animator
Meet our cat Noodle! She has only been with us for a year or something.

Sam - Customer Support
Here is my Pug x Tibetan Spaniel - Pumba.

Sarah - Customer Support

Bex - Community Director
This is Thunder. We named her as such because she has a really loud purr. She only answers to Cat or Pusspuss. She's half Ocicat and half regular cat. She's the worst. Her mum's name is Gary.

Skyler - Programmer

Michael - Programmer
Name: Yuki. Breed: Ragdoll x Russian Blue
Nick - Game Designer
This is Fizz. He's legally old enough to drink, and can sense a warm lap from up to 500m away.