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We've just added the Smoking Hood which replaces your headgear with a grey cloth hood that emanates smoke. Watch its video below or get yours in the store now.
The Smoking Hood works great with many armour sets, from the Pitch Black Armour Set to the Elder Armour Set. A stylish Exile in the screenshot below wears the Smoking Hood with the Cult of Apocalypse Armour Set, the Raven Demon Wings, the Sin Character Effect and the Darkprism Weapon. We also added the Fiery Eyes for an awesome evil look!

We don't have a weekend-long sale scheduled. Instead, we've prepared several single-day sales for Path of Exile's most popular microtransactions. Keep an eye on them in the 'Specials' section of the store, and don't forget to check your Watchlist.
There are also almost two weeks left until the end of our current Twitch Prime promotion. Until the 23rd of July (PDT) you can claim the Steam-Powered Portal, Arcane Visage, Arcane Halo and Azure Weapon Effect for free by starting a free one-month trial with Twitch Prime and linking your Path of Exile account to Twitch. Find out more in this announcement.
Thank you for your support! Have a great weekend, everyone!