over 4 years
ago -
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A few days ago we concluded the Harvest Fan Art Competition where we asked our community to create fan art inspired by any content introduced in the Harvest expansion, including Oshabi and the Sacred Grove, Delirium and new skills. Over the past month our players have submitted more than a hundred entries to the competition. We've looked through every single one of them and are ready to announce the winners!
We're also offering a special prize (Demon Parasite Armour Set, Demon Parasite Back Attachment, Blood Guard Character Effect, 2x Angels and Demons Mystery Boxes) to the most popular submission amongst our community. We've uploaded all the submissions listed below to this album to our Facebook group. To vote for your favourite piece of fan art, just hit the 'Like' button on it! The entry with the most amount of 'Likes' wins. We'll announce the fan-favourite submission next Monday (August 17th) at 1pm NZT in our Twitter.
Top Three Winners
- A custom forum avatar made from your submitted art
- A special forum badge
- Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaperor Untainted Paradise)
- Signed Path of Exile Art Book
- Chaos Orb Keychain
- Brutus Art Print
- Your choice of Weapon Effect from the list
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list
'The Land Demands a Sacrifice' by BellenaS

Fan Art by Verdeimparat8b

'Oshabi, Ersi, Janaar and Namharim' by Ravenx_

4th and 5th Place
- Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaperor Untainted Paradise)
- Signed Path of Exile Art Book
- Your choice of Weapon Effect from the list
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list
'Can you hear it, Exile? Madness approaches' by BaronBenG

Oshabi by Kardalak_IX

6th-10th Place
- Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaperor Untainted Paradise)
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list

11th-20th Place
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list

- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be contacting you soon to arrange your prizes.
We will announce more runners-up at the beginning of next week! Thank you to everyone who submitted their work!