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RT @WorldofEternity: The latest #Deadfire Backer Update is now live detailing the Update 3.1 patch that went out today bringing new blessin…
Being a nature godlike for Halloween 😁 @WorldofEternity https://t.co/4xFbJ7IfQy
Pillars of Eternity fan portrait for my pale elf watcher #pillarsofeternity #deadfire #paleelf #fanart #thewatcher… https://t.co/6pcbB2QCQZ
The Watcher of Caed Nua #pillarsofeternity #poe #art https://t.co/eJVgWzVk6G https://t.co/Aoalpu0RJo
Congrats to the team @Obsidian and our newest members of the Microsoft Studios family on the Best Role Playing Game… https://t.co/ckJrjSjmTc
@WorldofEternity i supose ...no pillars on switch? :(
@WorldofEternity I'll ask again. Is there any news about the Switch version? 🙄
@WorldofEternity thanks :)
@WorldofEternity Any news on the console release? Such a fan of the first one and the DLC
honestly one of my favorite #PillarsOfEternity pieces i've done omg #knifecat #fanart https://t.co/7RdZn7mkoI
Hey @WorldofEternity, here's an update no one asked for. He's about 95% finished! Just need some touch ups, scaley… https://t.co/yeP4cNi7eA
@WorldofEternity Is there any way to transfer access to Berath’s Blessings from Windows install to a Mac install?
my pale elf aristocrat wizard, Atrixi #Pillarsofeternity #deadfire @WorldofEternity https://t.co/SQUhAmfigS
Let's get this started #PillarsofEternity #PillarsofEternityDeadfire #Idontknowhowtotwitter https://t.co/Eax4TWC2lc