about 6 years
ago -
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Greetings all you glorious Watchers!
We have just placed our 4.0.0 patch onto the Beta Branches of Steam. Click here[forums.obsidian.net] for instructions of how to join the Beta. Please bear in mind that many changes are still being worked on and added as we get closer to patch! Please try out some of the new sub-classes, Mega-Bosses, & god Challenges (listed below) and give us your feedback here. Please let us know if this patch has any unintended effects on your gamestate or if you encounter any new bugs from this patch, here in our beta forums. Thank you in advance for your help and feedback!!
Because of the new features and bug fixes, we won't be able to post the patch notes here due to character limits, so please visit us on our forums for the full list!
We have just placed our 4.0.0 patch onto the Beta Branches of Steam. Click here[forums.obsidian.net] for instructions of how to join the Beta. Please bear in mind that many changes are still being worked on and added as we get closer to patch! Please try out some of the new sub-classes, Mega-Bosses, & god Challenges (listed below) and give us your feedback here. Please let us know if this patch has any unintended effects on your gamestate or if you encounter any new bugs from this patch, here in our beta forums. Thank you in advance for your help and feedback!!
Because of the new features and bug fixes, we won't be able to post the patch notes here due to character limits, so please visit us on our forums for the full list!