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about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

I noticed this when I was online yesterday as well. I don't know what changed that caused this to break again, but I already made a note to look into this. Thanks for the report.

Edit: I should also say that the main issue I noticed with it was I got a huge FPS drop from it. Close range will still give you blinding like effects in some cases (usually a slow coast into a turret like this). It is part of the constraints with the tools I am working with. Namely wanting a pilot to see explosions in third person view but not first person.

about 8 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by FateJH

as if the bullet is hitting an invisible wall

For what it's worth, there is an invisible wall there.

Yes there is and that is what he is seeing. Its a long standing issue with those invisible walls that requires code support.