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First off, the Valk is coming along great, it's really cool looking and I think you guys are going to love the rumble seats. It would actually be up on Test now except for one issue, which isn't even related to the Valk itself.

We're in the middle of a huge merge, where we're taking all the PS4 work and incorporating it into our main pipeline. Up to now, it's been in a separate pipeline because it was too volatile to mix and risk issues with the PC version. There are a lot of conflicts that the coders need to resolve so there are lots of weird issues on some of our internal environments. The benefits we get from this merge are probably obvious as far as developing is concerned, but what you guys will get is that all the performance improvements they are making to the PS4 version are going to be shared with us well. I don't think you'll see any major changes right away in the August update, but as the PS4 team moves to optimizations, the PC will get those automatically.

Once we get our internal stuff sorted, I'll go to Test with everything. I'd love to just promote the Valk by itself, but it's just too huge a change to isolate, we'd miss something. It'll require a full publish. I'm hoping we'll be in a state to do that before SOE Live.

TL;DR Our internal environments need to be fixed up, then we'll update Test with the Valkyrie, hopefully before SOE Live.

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over 10 years ago - /u/kevmoSOE - Direct link

Originally posted by Wrel

I believe you folks were asking on the official forums for feedback regarding what weapons and role we'd like the Valkyrie to serve. Has that feedback helped shape the future of the Valkyrie to any noticeable degree?

We've made some adjustments based on that feedback but it has mostly influenced our long term goals with the Valkyrie. The main thing is we really want to give it an awesome and unique mechanic beyond some new guns and rumble seats. Unfortunately something like that wouldn't make it in time for our targeted launch.

A lot of that feedback was also the same as some of the ideas we had planned for a Galaxy update. It might make sense to give the Valkyrie something unique and then give the Galaxy something else to further differentiate the two aircraft. When the Valkyrie is live and in the hands of players for awhile, we might have a better idea and more feedback on what those should be.