almost 6 years ago - PlanetSide 2 - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
7s this is the new nanite systems combat
10s units
13s is unlike any weapon that nanite systems
15s has made before we spent years
19s researching how to make our customers
21s more satisfied and have developed the
23s ultimate product every unit comes with
27s the standard nanite systems equipment
28s tiny and can be fitted with specialized
30s configurations based on your specific
32s needs our combat life seems seamlessly
37s with ongoing operations by utilizing
39s five main combat configurations familiar
42s to the soldiers of our axis today up
45s your firepower today and take the
47s battlefield by storm with the new nice
51s members only won't we saw the most
53s popular commas off then I just I'm
54s talking to come apart a period like
55s pretty notorious it is it was like op so
58s there never will be back Ohio man who
59s just getting done that already may be
60s required on all NSE Hughes features in
62s the event of robot uprising management
63s reserves as I praised our new robot
64s overlords