about 1 month ago - Mithril - Direct link
PC servers are coming down at 6AM PT / 3PM CEST tomorrow for a PC Update that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up to 4 hours and longer for PS4. The PS4 EU server will undergo a routine server maintenance which will last a little longer, please check our page on X for further updates. The PTS server will also be down during this maintenance. Valentine's Directive Event (13th February - 11th March 2025) Players can expect to earn the following rewards from the Valentines Directive Event: Tier 1 250 Certs Title: Heartbreaker Love Bomber Decal Tier 2 500 ISO-4 Love Bomber Banner Love Bomber Banner Frame Tier 3 500 A7 Basic Implant Pack Love Bomber Mk.II Camo Tier 4 Deluxe Implant Pack Love Bomber Grenade Monthly Members Bundles February Members Bundle (1DBC / 1Cert):
  • Recon Array Helmet
  • Coldfire Afterburner
Directive Bundle: Valentines Day 2024 (449 DBC / 3999 A7)
  • Title: Love Bomber
  • Galaxy Love Bomber Glass
  • Positive Defacement Decal
  • Positive Defacement Banner
  • Positive Defacement Banner Frame
  • Positive Defacement Camo
  • Valentines Day Sales (13th February - 11th March 2025)- Valentine themed items and bundles make their return to the Depot, with a couple of new additions to the collection:
    • Love Bomber Contrails Bundle
    • Love Bomber Glass Bundle
    • Love Horn
  • Presidents Day Sales (14th - 17th February 2025) - Returning Items and Bundles will be available on the Depot for a limited time
  • Vehicle Gear 40% Off (14th - 17th February 2025)
Audio Improvements
  • Footsteps are now louder and have more variations.
  • Audio Improvements for the NS-45 Pilot.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong colored Chassis Lights will unlock for the Lightning.
  • Fixed a bug where the game will crash when transferring from the passenger seat to a driver seat of the Valkyrie, Flash, Harasser and Chimera.
  • Fixed a bug where players can clip through walls and geometry when exiting the Sunderer in specific places on Amerish.
  • Fixed an issue where Anti Vehicle Turrets can be placed in enemy bases.
  • Fixed some UI text alignment issues on the Player Profile Banner Screen.
  • Removed tooltip for medical applicators when Combat Medics have it equipped when sitting in a vehicle.
  • Fixed M20 Basilisk description to reflect the correct Ammo Capacity.
  • NS-D "Ice Dragon" Helios now syncs to the correct objective in the Exceptional IX Directive Tree.
  • Fixed an issue where Vertical Sync wouldn't work when restarting the game.
  • Friend lists now updates properly when a change is made (e.g. removing someone from your friends list will reflect instantly instead of switching screens).
  • Fixed a typo in a New Years bundle.
  • CB-ARX Newton now shows the correct Aim Accuracy.
  • Fixed an issue with the Eridani SX5 Suppressor having 2 different range penalties in its descriptions.
about 1 month ago - Mithril - Direct link
We made an adjustment to the servers yesterday that should correct the frame drop issue.
about 1 month ago - Mithril - Direct link
Any news on the fix for the Matchmaker missions? Still unable Enter any of the other faction embassy's to do the missions. Also Sightseeing Mission is completely bugged. You can accept the mission, but unable to be completed on any continent. You go to the location and nothing happens."
Our hotfix should address this and is arriving this week.