about 1 month
ago -
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PC servers are coming down at 6AM PT / 3PM CEST tomorrow for a PC Update that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be up to 4 hours and longer for PS4. The PS4 EU server will undergo a routine server maintenance which will last a little longer, please check our page on X for further updates. The PTS server will also be down during this maintenance.
Valentine's Directive Event (13th February - 11th March 2025)
Players can expect to earn the following rewards from the Valentines Directive Event:
Tier 1
250 Certs
Title: Heartbreaker
Love Bomber Decal
Tier 2
500 ISO-4
Love Bomber Banner
Love Bomber Banner Frame
Tier 3
500 A7
Basic Implant Pack
Love Bomber Mk.II Camo
Tier 4
Deluxe Implant Pack
Love Bomber Grenade
Monthly Members Bundles
February Members Bundle (1DBC / 1Cert):
- Recon Array Helmet
- Coldfire Afterburner
- Title: Love Bomber
- Galaxy Love Bomber Glass
- Positive Defacement Decal
- Positive Defacement Banner
- Positive Defacement Banner Frame
- Positive Defacement Camo
Valentines Day Sales (13th February - 11th March 2025)- Valentine themed items and bundles make their return to the Depot, with a couple of new additions to the collection:
- Love Bomber Contrails Bundle
- Love Bomber Glass Bundle
- Love Horn
- Presidents Day Sales (14th - 17th February 2025) - Returning Items and Bundles will be available on the Depot for a limited time
- Vehicle Gear 40% Off (14th - 17th February 2025)
- Footsteps are now louder and have more variations.
- Audio Improvements for the NS-45 Pilot.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong colored Chassis Lights will unlock for the Lightning.
- Fixed a bug where the game will crash when transferring from the passenger seat to a driver seat of the Valkyrie, Flash, Harasser and Chimera.
- Fixed a bug where players can clip through walls and geometry when exiting the Sunderer in specific places on Amerish.
- Fixed an issue where Anti Vehicle Turrets can be placed in enemy bases.
- Fixed some UI text alignment issues on the Player Profile Banner Screen.
- Removed tooltip for medical applicators when Combat Medics have it equipped when sitting in a vehicle.
- Fixed M20 Basilisk description to reflect the correct Ammo Capacity.
- NS-D "Ice Dragon" Helios now syncs to the correct objective in the Exceptional IX Directive Tree.
- Fixed an issue where Vertical Sync wouldn't work when restarting the game.
- Friend lists now updates properly when a change is made (e.g. removing someone from your friends list will reflect instantly instead of switching screens).
- Fixed a typo in a New Years bundle.
- CB-ARX Newton now shows the correct Aim Accuracy.
- Fixed an issue with the Eridani SX5 Suppressor having 2 different range penalties in its descriptions.