over 6 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
5s | you |
12s | hello there see so much shorter get you |
17s | the other chain no no hello there |
20s | everybody |
21s | just gonna kick back hello everybody and |
24s | welcome to another planetside 2 dev |
26s | stream it's been a little while since |
28s | we've we've done a stream but we feel |
31s | like it's time and we've got some really |
32s | cool stuff to share with you so what are |
35s | we gonna be covering today we're going |
37s | to talk a little bit about the |
37s | performance that we've been working on |
39s | for a while where we are now and where |
41s | we're headed we're gonna talk a little |
43s | bit the status of the TKO server the |
45s | Tokyo server that has been talked about |
47s | quite a bit for quite a while we're |
50s | gonna go over some of the recent squad |
51s | changes that have come to life and then |
54s | we're gonna reveal some new stuff to you |
56s | guys new stuff oh yeah as always we're |
59s | gonna be doing giveaways you have to be |
61s | active and chat to make yourself |
62s | eligible for those giveaways and I will |
64s | call out whenever those are going to |
66s | happen the winner will also announce |
69s | each of the winners as their chosen then |
72s | at the very end we're going to take some |
73s | questions and that'll pretty much wrap |
75s | it up for this for this stream so why |
79s | don't we kick it off by talking a little |
80s | bit about what we've been doing for |
82s | performance kick back and sure yeah are |
87s | we gonna take questions throughout this |
88s | new yeah sure we can do it throughout |
91s | the stream yeah okay so uh yeah |
94s | Roxie's on the moderator ship so be nice |
98s | and and we'll get their questions and |
100s | answer music um look somehow more |
103s | uncomfortable I I am because this desk |
105s | is so sharp it's like digging into |
107s | different parts of my my body okay so |
111s | how are you guys doing so since our last |
114s | update we've had some performance issues |
116s | that have come up for some reason |
118s | they've just kind of multiple issues |
120s | sprung up at us like the malevolent will |
123s | of some sort of tech god I don't know we |
126s | yeah we've done some techno exorcists |
129s | exorcisms but yeah so we've been working |
132s | on some performance fixes you i encode |
135s | have been working hand in hand to |
137s | address some of the issues with the UI |
140s | showing up and |
142s | like continually bringing up what caused |
144s | worse and worse performance degradation |
147s | things like alerts maps the HUD for the |
151s | cockpits for various vehicles and the |
153s | killcam and so we've we've addressed a |
156s | couple those issues most of those and |
158s | we're still working to work on that a |
161s | vehicle deaths in particular I've been |
162s | called out as something that compounds |
166s | performance problems as we go so we're |
169s | still looking into that from the more |
172s | engine and server side of things we've |
175s | looked at the way that our scripts are |
178s | being handled and you know previously |
180s | with some of the alerts we were using |
183s | NPCs to direct the behavior and then |
186s | control how the the flow of that goes |
189s | but we've since switched over to using |
191s | looool exclusively for that we managed |
193s | to figure out the issues we were having |
194s | with that that should be all good to go |
196s | for that we're still looking into stuff |
199s | in particular there we recently |
202s | discovered a old vestigial system that's |
206s | running on the server that we're not |
207s | actually using and is eating up some |
209s | frames so or not some frames with some |
211s | cycles rather so we're gonna be removing |
214s | that and that should give us a bit of a |
216s | performance increase on the server we |
219s | also have are still looking into the |
222s | spike in network traffic that we've had |
225s | we've got core tech kind of working on |
227s | that a bit |
229s | some of our top engineers as it were top |
233s | man top top looking into that it wasn't |
238s | really privy to the fact that our |
241s | network bandwidth got increased but but |
243s | there was it was something that's just |
244s | kind of been in the background for us |
246s | you don't really notice it but outside |
249s | of that we know that there are some |
250s | server issues right now that's there |
252s | prevalent on on all the servers and not |
254s | just uh and not just with certain ISPs |
257s | like it had been in the past yeah that's |
259s | right we also had worked one of the |
262s | European ISPs we were having trouble |
265s | connecting with them and our players |
266s | were connecting with them and we had |
268s | since worked out most of those issues |
273s | we're also I'm happy to say working on a |
276s | massive technical undertaking that will |
278s | have some performance gains that's all |
283s | you get that's all I can't wait to might |
285s | drop that stuff I know I'm gonna |
287s | literally bring a microphone nice thanks |
289s | I just have it in giant quotes here |
291s | because that's literally all we can say |
294s | but that's that's kind of where we've |
296s | been at for for performance we've still |
298s | been working on features and such but |
301s | it's it's taken away it's it's taken our |
303s | focus and you know it's important to |
305s | work on so yeah it's it's we've if you |
308s | haven't noticed it slowed down our |
309s | feature delivery of content to the to |
312s | the game and while we can still add a |
314s | lot of stuff on the design side from a |
316s | programming perspective we've been |
318s | dedicating most of our resources to |
319s | programming or to performance in that's |
323s | yeah let's load us down a little bit all |
325s | right no I mean just created general |
326s | instability to an uneven performance |
329s | like we we were kind of reeling from |
330s | some integrations that we did and I mean |
333s | we've gotten a lot of benefits out of it |
335s | like on I mean our early web pipeline |
336s | it's just like so much larger you know |
338s | how that it was so we can do all sorts |
340s | of cool stuff in the future and there is |
342s | just a bunch of other code optimizations |
344s | and and all sorts of things so just |
347s | stuff that's happening in the background |
348s | that you know it's kind of rough now and |
352s | like Nick said it slowed us down but |
353s | there's no second light at the end of |
355s | the tunnel and it'll be better for it |
356s | starting to see that light at the end of |
358s | the day yeah and it's all in the |
359s | interest of doing cool things and |
360s | presenting the best possible game we can |
362s | to you guys it for us as well so what |
365s | that's enough about performance yeah now |
366s | let's get on to the status update on the |
369s | TKO server so that's something that |
371s | we've allowed to fall into the |
373s | background a couple times as different |
375s | priorities of shift or shift it around |
377s | but we've made it a priority again and |
379s | I'm happy to say that we're standing up |
381s | the TKO server right now it's going to |
383s | be called Sol tech and we're just |
385s | starting to run tests on it internally |
387s | now but it is set up for the live |
390s | environment and we're also running tests |
393s | that to allow characters to be |
394s | transferred between servers this I just |
398s | want to make it clear though to everyone |
399s | that's listening that this is going to |
401s | be tech that server transfer technology |
403s | that is to allow characters |
406s | move between the Connery and Seoul tech |
408s | servers and and back and forth and at |
410s | some point we would shut that off that's |
412s | the plan right now there's a lot of ifs |
416s | and and what-ifs that are involved with |
418s | testing that right now but there's a |
421s | plan that we're putting in a place for |
423s | it that mostly doesn't allow a ton of |
426s | work to be done by like a customer |
428s | service department because they just |
429s | they wouldn't have the amount of |
430s | bandwidth that's necessary to like take |
432s | tickets for for doing server transfers |
434s | so but yeah I'm happy to announce that |
436s | and hopefully there's a lot of players |
440s | in the Asia area that are going to be |
442s | excited about being able to play |
444s | planetside with a much higher ping much |
449s | much higher performance yeah so that |
453s | they'll be having a lot better time |
454s | playing the game and they'll hopefully |
456s | attract a lot of their friends to play |
457s | the game and we're excited to bring |
460s | planets that plan aside of that part of |
462s | the world again but into in a stronger |
466s | fashion than we did before yes yes so |
469s | yeah I hope everybody's happy with that |
472s | announcement with that let's let's bring |
475s | Garrett on sounds good thank you Paul |
477s | you have we have a giveaway that we can |
480s | do as well oh yeah yeah so yeah if you |
485s | guys was an ice transition yes yes if |
488s | you guys are participating in chat then |
491s | it makes you eligible for a raffle you |
494s | can type anything bang raffle is one of |
496s | the things people like the type hey you |
498s | guys later nice things about rel about |
500s | Roxy all of these things make you |
502s | eligible might even improve your chances |
505s | it doesn't literally I think I think it |
510s | does hello hello Garrett how's everybody |
515s | doing it and Garrett's just naturally |
517s | taller than everyone else so this is |
518s | sorry I'm slouching I'm trying to give |
522s | you a little bit there I mean this chair |
524s | is a little bit taller that |
527s | I'm fine so Garrett you've been working |
533s | a lot on the squad system that we just |
536s | put out - yeah so a lot of the stuff |
540s | that I've been working on in the |
540s | background that's been sitting on our |
543s | main environment a lot of improvements |
545s | on the squad side including working on I |
549s | guess making fire teams more robust by |
551s | tracking leaders and adding all new |
553s | options for auto balancing the squad |
556s | squad beacon access changing you know |
558s | the way points around just all new |
562s | controls for like mentor squads and all |
566s | sorts of cool stuff but yeah yeah it's a |
568s | there's a lot of quality of life |
570s | improvements yeah they came came across |
572s | in the squad update and also we are |
575s | trying to we're trying to build out this |
576s | the system like intentionally we wanted |
579s | to more with squads in the future so |
582s | it's I the the squad system whether it |
585s | was kind of unwieldy to like yeah fire |
589s | teams are yeah all right yeah they were |
591s | kind of an afterthought and actually was |
593s | kind of interesting is that if you look |
595s | back in the history of fire teams were a |
596s | much desired feature lightweight way |
601s | back we're talking about a couple of |
603s | years few years few years so it was they |
606s | were added somewhat hastily I believe |
609s | based on the and but then nobody used |
612s | them like how would you use fire teams |
613s | so we're trying to build it out to give |
616s | you a reason to use it make it easier |
617s | make just just give more more power to |
621s | two squads in general both in being able |
623s | to lead your squad I mean we put out the |
625s | mentor system yeah that last update as |
626s | well and the mentor system it's just |
628s | very it's kind of cut and dry like you |
631s | have a stripped-down squad and new |
634s | players kind of filter into that that's |
637s | system much more or into the squad's as |
639s | a priority and it's it's mostly for for |
643s | people people who have an interest in |
645s | helping new players learn the game it |
648s | makes it easier for them to do that and |
650s | there's also features that we wanted to |
651s | build into two mentors moving on to but |
654s | yeah you want to go to gameplay footage |
656s | yeah let's let's show a little bit |
659s | left pc lessons yours o me okay I'm dig |
663s | that weapon alright so one of the |
666s | features that we had added actually this |
669s | one is not oh hold on |
672s | I can't mmm I can't make umm far too |
675s | later oh yeah two of us |
677s | no no that's still sitting on my machine |
679s | at the moment okay |
681s | so well then fine but next next update |
685s | we're gonna have the ability to to also |
686s | show who the fireteam leader is and the |
689s | and the ability to to change your |
693s | fireteam leader so they'll have a nice |
695s | little icon of the suits next to the |
696s | name and yeah so fire teams there's now |
700s | no such thing as as not not having a |
703s | fireteam that makes sense in my head |
707s | yeah it's yeah so you're always filtered |
709s | into a fireteam now used to like that |
712s | used to not happen so when new players |
714s | enter squad squads will be filtered into |
716s | a fireteam based on which squads need to |
719s | the population is divided up and now |
721s | just as of the last topics we added the |
724s | ability to lock a fireteam so if you |
725s | don't enjoy the the auto filling feature |
727s | players will just filter into not those |
730s | fireteam so kind of a harken back to |
732s | what we had before the update but just |
734s | in terms of giving you more power we |
736s | also did fireteam beacons |
739s | for for all players like all players can |
741s | have a squad beacon now and there's just |
747s | so much yeah yeah I knew what new squad |
751s | waypoints hey Nick actually and I kinda |
754s | throw in a space here can you put down |
757s | the new Waypoint sure I was pointing to |
761s | my screen and I have it up on you yeah |
766s | gotta be better human beings here we go |
768s | well there might I'm not gonna talk |
770s | about everything I just said again okay |
772s | drop it dropping it like it's hot |
775s | okay so you'll see a chroma keyed okay |
781s | it's green on our screens oh you can see |
786s | what it is oh yeah as you can see on the |
788s | screen at fireteam |
790s | leaders can in place prior to my points |
793s | now and that's just like I can place a |
797s | squad way playing I switch it over you |
799s | sure why not let's let's show them the |
802s | map screen so y-you could place multiple |
804s | the fireteam you know I'm gonna hide |
807s | these fire teams waypoints when you |
808s | don't actually have a fireteam leader |
809s | we'll probably do that in the next |
811s | update revamped all the icons so that |
813s | they're they're easier to distinguish we |
816s | should probably do some four four |
818s | platoons as well to kind of give alpha |
820s | alpha Bravo Charlie Delta some |
823s | uniqueness for people who are color |
825s | blind to make it easier to to decipher |
827s | actually yeah yes yes you I struggled it |
830s | to so a lot of these the color options |
834s | we have in the game are they are helpful |
835s | but also sometimes detrimental yeah okay |
838s | well now I feel bad about not having |
841s | this change earlier I fine as you can |
843s | see on a mixed screen here we have a |
845s | little pip which shows the facing |
846s | direction of the of your your squad |
849s | mates which never used to be a thing you |
851s | just used to have a sort goal and kind |
853s | of had to guess so a little bit of just |
857s | kind of just kind of beefing out squads |
859s | in general and in the future we'd like |
860s | squad leaders and platoon leaders to |
862s | create missions for people to go |
865s | participate and I and also like creating |
869s | defensive markers and such well we'll |
872s | use like sitrep commands and and all |
876s | sorts of fun stuff yeah and to get a lot |
879s | of that stuff working we have to change |
881s | a lot of the backend for how squads and |
884s | you know those structures work because a |
887s | lot of it was it seemingly when I |
889s | seemingly but it's it's somewhat of a |
891s | mess in ways like fire teams were a sort |
894s | of afterthought and so having to you |
898s | know flush out some of those systems and |
899s | bring some of them to be parallel on |
902s | different sides of the code requires |
905s | quite a bit more work for me but today |
908s | it's all fun but you know we're really |
912s | hoping to flesh out a lot of that system |
914s | and really give powers to you guys to |
916s | you just help your faction help |
919s | yourselves and have fun I mean really |
921s | what's it's more fun when you're playing |
923s | with people and have a goal |
924s | yeah and like legitimate powers that's |
927s | that's gonna be a thing just yeah |
929s | calling in like recon drones and |
931s | blackout areas and maybe some larger |
935s | elements and like there will be more |
937s | reward for playing in a in a squad and |
941s | yeah that's what we're shooting for in |
943s | the future |
943s | mm-hmm all right what else we got did |
946s | you want to talk a little bit more about |
948s | anything else that you're gonna add the |
949s | squads or is that surgery but that was |
951s | that was most of it okay yeah yeah I was |
953s | kind of yeah |
954s | squad powers go for it yeah we're moving |
956s | that direction that's I it is a quite |
958s | the process yeah what do you just drop |
962s | down don't don't do the map drop down |
963s | okay do not do the math okay okay so |
968s | anyways let's do another giveaway my |
970s | screen now yeah okay so Simon UK won the |
978s | giveaway oh yeah sorry about that yeah |
981s | um I meant announced that before but |
983s | yeah let's do another raffle another |
985s | another so yeah just like before make |
988s | yourself eligible by typing something to |
991s | chat all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna |
993s | address something while we're waiting |
995s | waiting orders chat people miss miss |
1000s | orders chat and unfortunately so we we |
1003s | had added a sitrep command like you |
1005s | could type slash that's it wrap and it's |
1007s | not gonna work now but um actually I'm |
1008s | not the leader but I the sitrep came in |
1013s | but you have to be it to be at a base |
1015s | that's actually contestant so go there |
1018s | okay well there's no bases that are |
1021s | contested all right well now you should |
1023s | just be able to define okay i but the |
1033s | the sitter of command was i was added in |
1036s | place of orders and orders chant it was |
1037s | something that it's it's an unfortunate |
1040s | case of the few ruining for the many |
1044s | basically the ability to to give any |
1047s | sort of person and the ability to speak |
1050s | to an entire server is a very like that |
1053s | that's a lot of power and unfortunately |
1055s | people were abusing that power and so |
1057s | we decided to to pull that back and |
1060s | replace it with something that feels a |
1061s | little bit more that always has |
1063s | information for you there is we do run |
1066s | the risk of it feeling automated I yeah |
1070s | so on the screen you can see that nikto |
1072s | is attempting to capture Nason's finds |
1074s | from NC information right i you do run |
1078s | the risk of like if that appears too |
1080s | often it might be ignored and that's |
1083s | kind of a benefit that orders chat had |
1084s | was the ability to to personalize your |
1086s | message but again then also create a lot |
1089s | of trolling so what we want to do is |
1090s | find some some sort of right now i think |
1093s | is like the happy medium where we have |
1094s | the set rough command which it tells you |
1096s | like a asks for support and tells you if |
1099s | you need reinforcements or not which is |
1101s | based on the population statistics in |
1103s | your region and in the future we'd like |
1105s | to flush that out even more even more |
1106s | excuse me |
1107s | you know to type missions and such to it |
1109s | so yeah yeah and i mean right now you |
1113s | actually need to be physically present |
1115s | at that base and we'd like to make it |
1118s | sort of you know easier to use where you |
1121s | can just kind of point it out as a as a |
1123s | you know leader just say hey I would |
1125s | like requested you know work us |
1126s | assistance here through sitrep say |
1128s | something like the mapper whatever just |
1130s | a you know ease of access become easier |
1132s | make it more intuitive gonna make a |
1134s | gonna make a lot of use of the Waypoint |
1136s | system in the future when it comes to |
1137s | squads and such yeah yeah cool so it's |
1141s | not Mick awesome was the winner of the |
1144s | last raffle so congratulations - it's |
1147s | not Mick awesome what is he getting I'm |
1153s | not sure what is he getting Roxy I I |
1156s | think I know but just to make sure whoa |
1159s | 1,000 DBC nice pretty good actually you |
1163s | know what today is |
1165s | well tomorrow is the last day of our |
1166s | summer event it's the last day of your |
1169s | infantry 30% off sale so make you |
1174s | something DBC now oh yeah I squirt gun |
1176s | yeah just working is gone like after |
1178s | Friday it's gone can't do the directive |
1181s | can't get the free flash weapons can't |
1183s | get the cool banner that I did by hand |
1187s | yeah I'm so proud of it one says this is |
1192s | going away that's all going away |
1193s | yeah you don't get it well maybe it'll |
1196s | be back again next year |
1197s | oh yeah well yeah I think the squirt gun |
1200s | was pretty popular yeah really dig that |
1202s | so cool cool |
1204s | all right what's next oh wait you said |
1208s | we were gonna reveal some new stuff new |
1210s | stuff okay it is it's on your screen so |
1214s | if I'm just gonna summon this uh sorry |
1222s | actually know what Nick I'm gonna send |
1224s | it to you for just a moment while I stop |
1225s | all summoned a fight okay all right all |
1246s | right okay we're leaving okay here you |
1252s | see a bastard |
1253s | Bastian with a random a harasser on the |
1255s | top of it and yeah this okay so I |
1260s | recorded this footage twice this time it |
1264s | sucks but by the file sizes smaller I |
1266s | was fighting with that all day anyway |
1267s | all right so now we have what we're |
1269s | working on one of the things that we're |
1271s | working on one of the many things we're |
1272s | working on is a new content for for |
1276s | planetside 2 and this is the continent |
1278s | of oh sure it's actually more like if |
1280s | you look at plan aside one it's more |
1281s | similar to to size or but oh sure is a |
1284s | continent that it's going to be mainly |
1287s | driven by multiple islands and you will |
1292s | not have war kids on this continent you |
1294s | are instead going to have access to |
1295s | passionate fleet carriers and they will |
1297s | act as your your suit of warp gates |
1299s | there will be multiple investment fleet |
1300s | carriers each side will have them |
1301s | potentially they'll rotate around the |
1303s | map potentially but I what that does is |
1306s | it gives us the opportunity to to kind |
1308s | of spread the the forces out and you |
1310s | will be able to attack attack each base |
1314s | there's very limited lattice less bases |
1317s | overall more |
1320s | to call play it comes in here so this is |
1324s | this is a very very very like rough like |
1330s | work-in-progress this is I think what |
1332s | I'm gonna be showing you is basically |
1333s | the result of maybe maybe four days of |
1336s | work maybe but there was a lot more work |
1339s | just to actually allow you to put that |
1341s | four days of working right yeah yeah so |
1343s | but now we can actually like do work and |
1346s | start fleshing out the continent any |
1347s | blue that you see is just marking where |
1349s | or water can potentially go and yeah |
1352s | those continent is gonna be it's gonna |
1353s | be very I have varied by owns one then |
1357s | I'll show you earlier is or later as the |
1359s | the crystal forest I would we would be |
1362s | running around in this in person but our |
1364s | our environments aren't applying nice so |
1367s | well we'll get it to you in the future |
1370s | next time next time for char but yeah so |
1373s | oh sure the some of the Lord Gehenna |
1375s | continent is that or actually you'll see |
1378s | this represented in the terrain I in |
1380s | certain places is that the there is at |
1383s | the heart of this continent some sort of |
1386s | vaanu tak is okay yeah yeah but that's |
1393s | that's what's attracting the three |
1394s | factions to this place you know there's |
1396s | no warp gates yeah and actually the I |
1398s | well okay so it's it's an it's in the |
1403s | water okay I want to I want to talk a |
1404s | little bit more but it's yeah yeah I |
1408s | want to explain so I so there's there's |
1412s | a submersed neva new artifact or |
1414s | whatever it is right and it's emitting |
1416s | some sort of some energy or radiation or |
1420s | leaking it out into into the the the |
1422s | water that surrounds oh sure and |
1425s | actually as the as the maybe that I |
1428s | don't know the water gets the rains out |
1431s | over the continent you'll see that some |
1433s | of the the floor is kind of it's tainted |
1435s | in some way and maybe not in a bad way |
1437s | just like just change a little bit so |
1438s | there's a heavy emphasis on honor axiom |
1441s | and you can see that the trees are very |
1443s | this reminds me of ashenvale like the |
1446s | trees are you know changed and some of |
1449s | the roots that you'd normally see |
1451s | sticking up out of the ground have |
1452s | these spires of arak zone and everything |
1456s | kind of you know there's a glowy |
1459s | elements actually this is all these |
1460s | these props are placeholder for now and |
1463s | I totally need to rebound some of the |
1466s | the glows and the lighting and get the |
1468s | colors and yeah in tune but don't look |
1471s | at this close you didn't get a second |
1475s | take on that one it wasn't kind of |
1477s | strong yeah yeah it's I just leave out |
1478s | of frustration but yeah you can see this |
1484s | this particular area is realistically it |
1486s | might be to prompt dense but its its |
1490s | most or it's meant to be somewhat |
1492s | infantry centric and that you you have a |
1495s | kind of a close-range fighting it's a |
1497s | little bit more difficult for vehicles |
1498s | to move around in but most of the |
1500s | majority of the map is very the vehicle |
1503s | centric yeah but yeah so the latrine is |
1506s | gonna change a lot different biomes |
1507s | we're looking at lush jungles and like |
1512s | hot springs and maybe some environmental |
1515s | hazards I know what you get you're good |
1520s | with environmental hazards I'm very good |
1522s | with environmental hazards I would love |
1525s | to see more environmental hazards in our |
1527s | game actually Nick recommended it I was |
1529s | waiting for a reaction bottom no it's |
1530s | fine just like that's obviously a good |
1532s | idea but community it's obviously a good |
1536s | idea but yeah this this island is or |
1540s | this chain of violence is like the |
1545s | entire continent is the size of in dark |
1546s | so the biggest continent I bastions in |
1550s | the air the visibility right now is kind |
1553s | of it's freaking out so you'll see |
1554s | things and blipping in and out but and |
1557s | it's also kind of causing that hitching |
1558s | to so you know these conditions are very |
1560s | um very similar to it alive at the |
1563s | moment sorry sorry sorry |
1567s | I am alaria cyou are right so no but |
1571s | yeah that's that's oh sure |
1572s | in a nutshell is we're gonna have an |
1574s | island continent and you're not gonna be |
1576s | able to to traverse her on the map very |
1578s | easily like very air centric you know it |
1580s | would be nice if we had like an air |
1583s | vehicle that could I possibly pick up |
1586s | vehicle |
1586s | and move them I know that's not even on |
1590s | our list it's not on our list for the CR |
1592s | I'm sorry thank you all right so get |
1597s | hype people say so when do you think how |
1601s | much longer you think it's gonna take |
1602s | because that's kind of like a week |
1604s | immediate question if it took you four |
1608s | days to make a tiny little second yeah |
1611s | the world you know I was looking at that |
1613s | section in the world again I told you |
1614s | like 10% that's like six percent okay |
1617s | like that little area that's all with |
1621s | placeholder stuff and generally not |
1623s | final yeah obviously not final you know |
1625s | what I gotta go no base design yeah yeah |
1629s | that's the hardest part Oh the longest |
1631s | part actually the the base design just |
1632s | for those interested is so around the |
1635s | map you'll see that there was going to |
1637s | be three main facilities plus or maybe a |
1639s | fourth on the center there but I and |
1641s | then the the skylines batteries you may |
1643s | have seen too much all right show me |
1648s | well just gonna just stuff that they've |
1652s | they've already seen hold on I got I got |
1654s | a scrub to it there you better put on |
1656s | your screen where do I even take what do |
1663s | I even see this thing okay okay no |
1668s | that's horrible |
1669s | never mind but anyway so there's gonna |
1670s | be sky Lance battery scattered |
1672s | throughout the island and how you how |
1675s | you capture it how do you lock the |
1676s | content is by by destroying enemy |
1678s | passionately carriers and that's done |
1681s | primarily by having these these like |
1684s | ground like sub orbital defenses and |
1687s | firing up at your bastion and kind of |
1689s | taking them out so to be kind of a race |
1691s | to like disable them or keep them online |
1694s | and you know do damage to the the |
1696s | enemies and so kind of a very |
1698s | interesting a new way to cap to the |
1701s | content I still have some design |
1703s | decisions up in the air but you're gonna |
1704s | see a lot of a lot of indoor bases for |
1708s | infantry you'll see some court yards for |
1711s | vehicles and again the the content is |
1713s | going to be very open for vehicles in |
1714s | general so we're gonna try to kind of |
1717s | look back yet plan aside one for some of |
1719s | the lessons |
1720s | and also just planetside 2 things that |
1722s | that did and didn't work and kind of |
1723s | make this continent try to be brave and |
1726s | explore new things but at the same time |
1728s | move toward what we what we know works |
1731s | and well not to get too far away from |
1734s | what everyone knows is planetside 2 but |
1736s | to do some new things that we think are |
1737s | exciting and the main thing that I'm |
1739s | most I mean think I'm excited about with |
1742s | those sure is that we're tying lore into |
1744s | the actual continent that like it's |
1746s | going to drive the actual sort of alerts |
1748s | and things that you're doing on the |
1749s | continent and that sort of all goes as |
1753s | part of like a a push that we're making |
1757s | on the lower side of things on the |
1759s | website now you'll notice that we've |
1760s | added a lower section to the website |
1762s | we're starting to curate and edit the |
1764s | the Articles that were posted in the |
1767s | past or giving them a little bit of love |
1769s | there's a bunch of articles that were |
1772s | written and never posted and we're going |
1775s | through the process of actually editing |
1777s | those and deciding which ones to post |
1779s | and which ones not to post and we're |
1781s | also planning on writing completely new |
1783s | portions of story and of course some of |
1788s | that new stuff is going to be around the |
1791s | stuff that we're working on like oh sure |
1793s | so yeah okay okay I got one more all |
1797s | right I didn't I didn't show show this |
1799s | to you like you know I was just playing |
1806s | around oh and I started started working |
1810s | on this looks familiar it looks like |
1814s | something from planetside 1 yeah well |
1816s | maybe no zip lines but I was at blank |
1819s | oh and the business freaking out yeah no |
1822s | I totally there's not a whole lot |
1824s | there's no yeah yeah I was freaking out |
1827s | before it's gonna totally freak out in |
1829s | here also there's a bunch of invisible |
1830s | blocks it you can't see that I'm trying |
1831s | to navigate but yeah trying to do again |
1835s | more indoor areas and this is an example |
1837s | of a cave system that is it's pretty |
1840s | vast and just again although the props |
1843s | are are you know placeholder II so the |
1847s | walls got a little bit glowing but |
1849s | there's a lot of Iraq scene going on and |
1850s | just this stuff you know seeps through |
1852s | the ground and it |
1853s | is I just touching absolutely everything |
1855s | so yeah yeah so we're actually planning |
1861s | on being very transparent about the |
1864s | progress of a voucher and like actually |
1867s | showing it being created as it's being |
1870s | created that's a goal it's a good least |
1872s | yeah it would be it'd be nice to do some |
1875s | some live-streaming just uh so that I |
1878s | can share it's just show just how much |
1881s | of an effort making a new content is and |
1884s | it's a it is a very laborious process |
1887s | and it's a multi-month process for sure |
1890s | so and so you can if there's still some |
1895s | some hang-ups but I I want to get the |
1897s | stream going and and show you just like |
1899s | just after hours because this is |
1901s | something that I really enjoy doing I |
1902s | like um like building out using terena |
1904s | door and yeah yeah yeah cool yeah |
1910s | shall we start we take a few questions |
1913s | I'm sure that there's got to be a lot of |
1915s | questions now zero questions no |
1923s | questions |
1923s | oh well while we're waiting for the |
1925s | questions let's go ahead and do another |
1927s | raffle yeah so yeah just need to be |
1931s | active in chat and make sure you type |
1934s | something and we'll be running that |
1935s | raffle in a minute |
1936s | so with with this very sort of island |
1939s | based and oceanic archipelago low I'm |
1944s | mispronouncing like oh yeah yeah yeah |
1946s | I'm not gonna try to say are there gonna |
1949s | be boat vehicles coming to the game well |
1951s | you know as the so the lure of |
1954s | planetside 2 has kind of has always been |
1957s | that Iraq's Ian's just don't know how to |
1959s | swim so and they've actually did they're |
1962s | just not it hasn't been in the presence |
1965s | of mind to develop the technology to |
1967s | deal with water sorry so our mag riders |
1970s | actually used to float along the water |
1971s | and actually you used to be able to just |
1973s | just walk under water and plant one but |
1975s | no boats |
1976s | I mean well if we ever get like water |
1978s | tank Never Say Never |
1980s | right right not this time |
1983s | you're right I am hilarious you are |
1987s | you're cracking us all up now the winner |
1990s | of the of the raffle is hyperion donor |
1994s | so congratulations hyperion donor let's |
1999s | see if we got them next okay ps4 update |
2002s | yes |
2003s | so the ps4 update has been lagging we're |
2005s | trying we have always made an effort to |
2008s | try to get out everything to ps4 as we |
2011s | get it out to PC in this case we've been |
2013s | lagging a little bit mostly because of |
2017s | the fact that there was this series of |
2019s | hot fixes we needed to do on the |
2021s | previous update and was clear that those |
2022s | hot fixes needed to go to the ps4 which |
2024s | sort of restarts our entire like certain |
2027s | process and then the other thing is |
2030s | we're still working on a series of |
2032s | changes to ps4 just to help with the |
2034s | stability with that said we're very |
2037s | close to a ps4 update and you should |
2039s | probably expect the ps4 update next week |
2043s | yeah next week good yeah yeah we're good |
2048s | I think we're on a good state for it |
2050s | whether or not we get the will see some |
2053s | performance changes that improve ps4 |
2056s | performance slightly mostly to remove |
2058s | any hitches that you guys have been |
2059s | seeing that are similar to the PC but as |
2062s | far as the stability changes we are |
2064s | instead of being completely clueless as |
2066s | to what's been causing our crashing we |
2069s | have a very good lead on it right now |
2071s | whether or not that makes it in the next |
2073s | update that's pretty dicey but we |
2075s | actually do expect to be making some |
2077s | significant improvements to stability of |
2080s | ps4 within the next update or do ya know |
2084s | people probably anticipated the Doku |
2087s | carbines being showed off yeah honestly |
2090s | we've been focused on other things yep |
2092s | else that's basically what it's come |
2093s | down to it's important to us to bring |
2098s | new something new to the table with with |
2101s | these weapons in particular and we have |
2104s | some pretty interesting stuff that we |
2106s | are thinking about doing with the next |
2108s | round of what been specifically the |
2109s | carbines and that tech is not ready |
2113s | yeah let's see what's happening with the |
2116s | bastion fleet carriers so uh no sure |
2120s | wait they're gonna be spawn points so |
2123s | similar to warp gates you'll be able to |
2125s | pull vehicles from them specifically |
2128s | don't know what that will mean for like |
2132s | might might just get don't know if it'll |
2136s | have to be like free vehicles or free |
2138s | air vehicles that sort of thing well I |
2140s | kind of tomb all that out but there |
2143s | there are going to be basis you know |
2145s | scattered around a lot of there will be |
2147s | a very heavy emphasis on construction |
2151s | and spawning at construction bases but |
2152s | also there would be some like legitimate |
2154s | bases to the players will well actually |
2156s | like it would behoove them to to take |
2158s | them over before or just off about the |
2161s | pasture flea carrier so yeah I don't |
2164s | want to talk too much about it right now |
2166s | yeah it's pretty good there's a really |
2168s | good chance of changes yeah depending on |
2171s | how tests our Tesco and how that there's |
2174s | some pieces of tech that aren't in place |
2176s | yet all right so yeah I don't want to |
2180s | get into too many details as far as |
2182s | there's a question here about the a SP |
2183s | respect system we it's definitely on our |
2186s | radar it's not something we plan on |
2189s | implementing before the end of the year |
2191s | and and I would expect an ASP respect |
2195s | system to come alongside another round |
2197s | of ASP skills |
2198s | so basically around two or even another |
2200s | level beyond our current sort of ASP |
2204s | rank system so that's when that that'll |
2208s | happen it's just yeah I wouldn't hold |
2210s | your breath for it cool do we want to |
2214s | wrap it up then yeah cool well thank you |
2217s | everybody for coming to the stream we |
2219s | are hope we're hoping that you're going |
2221s | to be hyped about what we're doing with |
2223s | oh sure and that what we're doing with a |
2225s | lot of the other systems that that we |
2228s | just talked about today I just wanted to |
2230s | thank everybody for playing planetside 2 |
2232s | you guys make it possible for us to do |
2234s | what we're doing just keep out there on |
2237s | the battlefield to get your friends to |
2238s | play with you and we promise there's |
2239s | going to be some absolutely amazing |
2241s | stuff coming before the end of the lair |
2242s | that's that's not me that's you what I'm |
2246s | I'm talking I'm talking promise and I'm |
2248s | not here okay |
2249s | That's not me that's you it should be on |
2251s | your computer I think is it there no no |
2254s | I did the image no the teaser that we're |
2257s | gonna show ya not it's not okay well you |
2261s | know what it's not a mine I deleted it |
2262s | so alright okay there's no teaser no |
2268s | nothing's coming it's just the spare |
2270s | darkness the birds are dying and on okay |
2276s | let's let's go ahead and wrap it up yeah |
2278s | it's fine |
2279s | you did it already Eddie's gun |
2285s | alright thank you everybody see ya see |
2287s | you next time |
2299s | you |