over 3 years
ago -
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All PC servers will come down for the following hotfix on Thursday, July 08, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
Below is our first pass on bugs that fell out of the _Integration update, with more fixes to follow.
- Tank Shell resist (type 7) from -400 to -250.
- Flak resist (type 12) from -150 to -125.
- Refunded old cert line.
- Magazine Size now has only one rank for 500 certs, increases magazine size by 6.
- Reload Speed cert line moved to percentage model upgrades to 5/7/8/9/10%.
- Magazine Size cert line now increases magazine by 4/8/12/16 rounds.
- Reload Speed cert line moved to percentage model, upgrades to 5/7/8/9/10%.
- Magazine Size skill line now increases magazine size by 3/6/9/12.
- Reload Speed cert line moved to percentage model, upgrades to 8/11/13/14/15%.
- Magazine Size skill line now increases magazine size by 2/4/6/8.
- Reload Speed cert line moved to percentage model, upgrades to 8/11/13/14/15%.
- Refunded old cert line.
- Magazine Size now has two ranks, 200/500 certs. Increases magazine size by 1/2.
- Reload Speed cert line moved to percentage model, upgrades to 5/7/8/9/10%.
- Refunded old cert line.
- Magazine Size now has only one rank for 500 certs, increases magazine size by 1.
- Reload Speed cert line moved to percentage model, upgrades to 5/7/8/9/10%.
- NSO "Fully Loaded" bundles have been added to the Depot for each weapon, icons are currently placeholder.
- Fixed an issue preventing the NSO characters of opposing teams to trigger flak detonations against one another.
- Fixed an issue causing extended magazines to give a 50% improvement, instead of the intended 100% stated by the tooltip.
- Added the Lightning to the list of valid targets for the Battlefield Superiority mission.
- Fixed an issue preventing ASP players from being able to accept certain missions.
- Fixed inconsistencies in NSO optics descriptions.
- Prevented various missions from being completable by killing mundane NPCs.
- Campaign items can no longer be used on PC now that the campaign has ended.
- Fixed an issue causing the PMG-200's audio to skip.
- Updated Skyfall on Auraxis mission description for better clarity.
- Fixed an issue causing you to "go around" the remote vehicle pull UI blocker on hacked vehicle terminals.
- NSO faction is now properly gated at BR20.
- The new _Integration key art is now used as a loading screen.
- Completing the NSX directive on an NSO character now allows them to use the NSX Kabuto helmet reward.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Colossus Tank from reaching its top speed.
- Fixed an issue causing Chimera's reload and ammo certification lines to unequip themselves.
- Chimera no longer costs Nanites when pulled from an A.N.V.I.L.
- Loadout slots 3 and 4 for the Dervish can now be unlocked.
- Defectors can now equip the Salvage implant.
- War Asset Modules can now apply currency discounts for the Javelin, Chimera, and Dervish.
- NSO weapon ribbons now use the correct ribbon icon.
- Reserve Hardlight Barrier can now be used by NSO Heavy Assaults with the ASP skill line.
- Fixed a visibility issue for Freedom Thrusters.
- NSO characters now only see VR Training areas of the faction they're currently aligned with or freelancing for.
- NSO now see friendly targets identified as such in VR Training.
- Shield Locks in the Containment Site Reliquary wing now play the correct power up and power down audio when repaired or destroyed.
- Bases can no longer be Outfit-captured by freelancing NSO.
- Fixed an exploit regarding the ANT's mining laser.
- XMG-200 now uses the correct audio.
- NS-66 Punisher underbarrel no longer stocks multiple grenades with extended magazines equipped.
- Fuzzbuket's Aegis Plating is now available for the Dervish.
- Fuzzbuket's Security Force NSO class armors now exist outside of a bundle, and can be purchased individually.