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Hi everyone, please drop all new bugs you may be encountering with today's update down below.

Feedback about this update is welcomed but please try to add BUG REPORT to any technical issues you may encounter after today's update. This will help us sort feedback from bug reports quickly, thanks!

Feel free to check out the latest changes, fixes and additions here.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by BattleWarriorZ5

BUG REPORT(collecting them from everywhere and the old Oshur bug megathread!).

1) Decoy Grenades are not available for use on Light Assaults despite having the ASP skill unlocked (checked only on NSO).

2) Gunslinger reload speed bonus doesn't work with UBP-1 Starfish

3) The Pocket flash is not detected by players base auto-turrets . Some players are exploiting It.

4) The Wasp reactors don't turn off when you land and go on the mining gun seat . Because of that you can't use them on solo mode (it make them dance and crash).

5) The base gate can't be dismantle with the construction pistol

6) Deliverer, Lodestar and WASP don't get nanite cost decreases from ASP and Outfit module facility discounts.

7) Distances by the platoon/squad members are not visibile in the Platoon/Squad panel (I read "-1" for every member)

8) Centri Mining Operation has no "Forbidden Area" Pain field near spawn point, so enemies can camp very close on stairs to the Aircraft Spawn Terminal and around the Spawn Room.

9) High Ridge Security probably has a forgotten teleport between main spawn room and vehicle spawn room, that is VEEEERY distant

10) Sunderer garage shield - if you leave the render distance for the shield, you can shoot right into the garage making the shield useless

11) WASP still don't show Cortium on radar, also not showing Silos.

12) WASP cannot switch to heavy machine gun alterative fire mode on it's mining laser.

13) Shield module overload don't immune against explosion damage (It immune against all damage except explosion damages (C4, Cortium bomb, flail, etc...))

14) Shield module overload doesn't cover all structure, module and wall types.

15) WASP Still has the gunshot sound bug when stopped gathering cortium.

16) WASP With a gunner, you as pilot get no XP, so it is not worth your time providing such service.

17) Flail splash goes through buildings like the Mauler Cannons of the Bastion did.

18) Campaign mission "Sins of the Father" trying to open the door the second time does not work. Will hold the e button and then it stops half way through

19) Sirinan spawn room restricted area doesnt kill while inside it when warpgates change

20) Harvesting Cortium on Oshur grants Silo Resupply XP instead of Harvesting XP, EXCEPT when the ANT's gauge maxes out.

21) You can still shoot as a vehicle gunner underwater

22) Can't spawn Deliverer on the flotilla, any of the flotilla.

23) The objects that spawn on the air towers which players interact with for the antenna survey mission don't appear when the mission is accepted, making this one similarly impossible.

24) No drills spawn on Oshur, making the drill missions impossible.

25) Horns don't work underwater for most vehicles that can go underwater.

26) Cortium is spawning under the map

27) if an NSO player squad spawns into a galaxy, then jumps out and gets a kill, the galaxy pilot does not get a transport assist if the player exits and enters the galaxy, or if the player is not NSO, the galaxy pilot gets transport assists

28) There are two non functioning teleporters at Eagle outpost immediately in the spawn room.

29) Behind the teleporters and empire banners on the Exodus Carrier, there is no assets, you can look directly down and see the thrusters.

30) Pommel Gardens is missing a lattice connection to Wakerift Beachhead.

31) WLT-ARX Mining Laser didn't get any harvest or deposit rate changes, it is still using the old values for both.

32) The shields on the tower at B point of Mirror Bay Watchtower always have a red TR shield, regardless of which empire owns the base.

33) NDZ's can sometimes be seen in another vehicle such as in drop pods, at bases such as around interlinks.

34) Mirror Bay Watchtower has 3 points but still given the small outpost icon on the map

35) NCZ's around interlinks are sometimes stopping the usage of any deployables(tactical, ability, utility)

36) Eagle Outpost is missing spawn room shields.(Check all Oshur tower bases to make sure they have spawn room shields and remove A out of the towers!)

37) The campaign-related island lacks a NDZ.

​38) Losing a certain base causes you to lose the ability to Quick Pull MBT's from map screen, just like what happens with Liberators when you lose your techplant

39) Spawning air vehicles from the map at the flotilla sometimes will not go through

40) When approaching some of the Construction bases, the ranged Icon showing the cap circle aren't even remotely close to the actual capture point

This post doesn't seem to take into consideration this morning's update, going to narrow your list down a bit here.

4) The Wasp reactors don't turn off when you land and go on the mining gun seat . Because of that you can't use them on solo mode (it make them dance and crash).

Resolved with this morning's update.

9) High Ridge Security probably has a forgotten teleport between main spawn room and vehicle spawn room, that is VEEEERY distant

Resolved with this morning's update.

12) WASP cannot switch to heavy machine gun alterative fire mode on it's mining laser.

Not a bug, this was removed before Wasp was released for the campaign.

13) Shield module overload don't immune against explosion damage (It immune against all damage except explosion damages (C4, Cortium bomb, flail, etc...))

Shield module increase armor by 100%, so weapons that bypass armor still go through. Kind-of-sort-of not a bug, but we can look into it in the future.

14) Shield module overload doesn't cover all structure, module and wall types.

Not a bug.

25) Horns don't work underwater for most vehicles that can go underwater.

Not a bug. Whale horn still works, intentionally.

28) There are two non functioning teleporters at Eagle outpost immediately in the spawn room.

Resolved with this morning's update.

31) WLT-ARX Mining Laser didn't get any harvest or deposit rate changes, it is still using the old values for both.

This seems inaccurate as it uses the same values as the default lasers.

33) NDZ's can sometimes be seen in another vehicle such as in drop pods, at bases such as around interlinks.

Resolved with this morning's update, should have only been Dekat acting this way, but please call out specifics if that's not the case.

35) NCZ's around interlinks are sometimes stopping the usage of any deployables(tactical, ability, utility)

Resolved with this morning's update, again, should only have been Dekat, but call out if it's not.

36) Eagle Outpost is missing spawn room shields.

Resolved with this morning's update.

37) The campaign-related island lacks a NDZ.

Resolved with this morning's update.