I did yesterday a 2h stream and went over the PTS changes. Took a look on esamir and the esamir changes and the changed bases. There are countless threads here already raising the same concerns but I didn't find anyone who discussed the new ESF weapon yet.
I ranted kinda hard about those. It doesn't make sense to introduce a new dumb fire weapon with such a mechanic and poor velocity if the main problem are the large aircrafts which outrepairs you. The damage you currently do with those isn't worth taking those over hornets. Why disabling repairing if I can straight up kill them with other weapons?
The new weapon got introduced to counter the outrepair meta on libs and galaxys nothing else. The current iteration doesn't fix the problem. The drop off and velocity makes them nearly useless and it's not worth to give up your afterburner if you fight a lib.
Currently this weapon is only there to bully ground vehicles and we simply DON'T need an other weapon to do this. It just makes it toxic. Plus it's all over coyotes 2.0, back then they got used to farm infantry. Same with this new weapon, the burst can OHK infantry and will be extremely usefull to kill maxes, we got hornets reworked because this was an issue, why reintroducing this problem again? What we wanted is a fix for outrepairing, not an other farm/bully weapon.
Wrel hear me on on that. Put this new effect on the current lockons. The lockons are designed to counter large aircraft and it would counter outrepairing pretty good if you adjust the duration accordingly. On top of that the effect would be on a lockon weapon, this means there is no way to bully ground vehicles with it and no way to farm infantry.
Pilots let's discuss this topic here please, I really want to hear some other opinions about the new weapon, which actually looks really cool tho. Really like the particles on it.
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