Hello and welcome to AskAuraxis the weekly thread for any of your Planetside related questions.
Feel free to ask any question about anything to do with Planetside and don't be scared if you think it may be stupid.
The main aim of this is that: no question should go unanswered so if you know the answer to someone's question, speak up!
Try and keep questions somewhat serious, this is not really the place for sarcastic or rhetorical questions.
We are not DGC, we can't answer questions that should be directed to them.
Remember if you're asking about guns etc. to say your faction and if you're asking about outfits to specify the server as well.
Sorting by new helps the questions less likely to be seen get answered. You can now do this temporarily using RES.
Have fun!
Special thanks to /u/flying_ferret who originally created this series.
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