over 3 years
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All PC servers will come down for the following hotfix on Tuesday, August 03, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
This update mainly includes bug fixes, and additional data in preparation for our Summer Fun event starting August 04, 2021. We'll be sharing the details of the event tomorrow.
Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
- TeamId has been added to the Census API for the following events: Death, ProjectileHit, VehicleDestroy, PeriodicUpdate, and VehicleEvent. We're aware of issues with collections at the moment, and are working to address it. No ETA at the moment.
- NSO characters now receive alert rewards based on which faction they had participated in the most during a continent's alert.
- Fixed an issue where NSO alert rewards wouldn't be offered in Sanctuary.
- NSO characters now have unique audio when locking onto enemy vehicles.
- Fixed an audio issue while firing the MG-A1 Arbalest.
- Fixed an occluder showing toward the B point in the Containment Site.
- Fixed an ammunition tower clipping into one of the Containment Site bases.
- NSO's common-pool vehicle weapons now all have NSO-colored targeting reticles.
- NSO voice packs no longer default to the masculine versions when changing faction alignment.
- Mega Soldier Soaker's splash damage radius from 2m to 0.5m.
- Toned down the particle FX on the medic's healing grenade and nano-regen ability.
- Fixed an offset issue on the TR and VS personal shield bullet impact FX.